
We can make him better than he was. Better, stronger ...

Wait, is there or is there not any money (or private property) in star trek?

Need some help here. I’ve been watching Manhattan on WGN. How did we we from a very unstable bomb to wareheads and bombs that you can basically store for years without “going critical” is it the material that has gotten better or the techniques in building ?

The CGI battle scenes in this 1997 movie was far superior then anything lucas did for the prequels.

Aww, how cute, baby spiders

So is she doing porn yet ?

Im shocked !!! Are you telling me that a bunch of horny teens in high school are getting laid and using the latest technology (in my day it was beepers).

Oh, Please.. James Bond by definition is not reality based. Its a fictional character. If I want to see something like the Bourne Identity I will go out and rent the Bourne Identity.


“Somebody do a search for old Radio Shack Microwaves on eBay” for my new “invention” the “micro-wave”

A badly designed fighter plane that cost the military billions and is incredibly vulnerable. Thank God that does not happen in real life.

A million dollars to whoever can tell me where that quote came from !!!

Wait actual news??? How the hell are we supposed to find out the latest Obama is a Muslim who wants to give your kids autism with vaccines so they can coverup the fake moon landing while the Pope forms a one world government who will feed us all GMOs ?

I found this in my moms room, is it a bomb ?

Combine Top Gun, Pacific Rim, Cold War Politics with a $50,000 effects budget you get this:

agree completely. 1) since I started paying for my phones in full, I have not had one accident with them, seems that when you understand you are holding a $800 device in your hand you are extra careful. 2) Most credit card companies offer extended warranties that are only available when you pay in full full for the

I used to love that you could call the rep at the mail order computer place and they would be willing to negotiate on the prices for specific items. I used to buy from some outfit in texas I cant remember the name micro-one mcraft. They used to be way cheaper then Gateway, and great customer service.

Racist !!!!

Oh, no! Aliens, bio-duplication, nude conspiracies... Oh my God! Lyndon LaRouche was right!