
I would get one, but I’m concerned that I would suddenly get the impulse to limo tint the windows, plastidip the wheels black, and drive 98mph literally everywhere I go while also having no insurance. 

There are absolutely ways of keeping thieves from getting at the underside of your car. You do have to start vaping though.

Ain’t you profound? Give yourself a cookie. There’s a difference between “hard to work on” and unnecessarily fragile and complex, dumbfuck.

145hp, a slushbox, and dash rattles I can hear from the pictures...

Bullshit - you knew it wasn’t that Cheers because Sam didn’t let black people work or drink in his bar.

Sir, this is the internet. You are going to have to take your reasonable and measured opinion somewhere else. 

While the idea of providing free gas/diesel is ridiculous, the idea that we should use public funds to provide free BEV charging is pretty unfair. Let’s be real, the only people buying BEVs right now are relatively rich people who have a couple other ICE vehicles back home.

Much like an A- is considered “The Whore’s B+.”

Nissan Altima. I don’t know how it came to be the go-to car for shitty drivers, but whenever I see one in my peripheral vision I know I’m about to get cut off.

It may appear amazing in isolation, but this situation of vehicles stopped on freeways while distracted/tired drivers go by is happening constantly across the US. When eventually one driver veers off in the right spot to take out the stopped vehicle and it's all caught live on camera it makes it to the national news

You must have a thing for dudes with punchable faces

First Evan Rachel Wood makes all of those accusations against the guy who played Paul, and now this. I never thought I’d have to say this, but maybe Wayne was right all along. Maybe they really were buttheads.

No bling, no glitter, no crybaby frowny face, no fake nostrils on the hood, no grille the size of an aircraft carrier - and to top it all off, an honest-to-goodness manual transmission.

Yea I’m convinced that Altima buyers, whether used or new, have to sign a legal agreement stating that they must not register their car for at least a year after they bought it.

Now playing

Gonna guess this ad’s from the same people that made the 1984 Corvette commercial

Tom Cruise *IS* our Ultimate Gen X entertainer.

Okay I gotta ask. What was your degree in? what fancy school did you go to? And what level of degree are we talking

I'm pretty sure you can make $689.00 per hour in your own home!  Here's how...

Lawrence -> immediately recommends 4Runner

Well hello!