
Dafuq? Bullitt is slow, yes, and maybe plagued with a bit too much Jazz Flute, but its deliberately slow. Lots of movies were back then. Because exposition was a thing. Its cool if you’re used to Michael Bay shit and don’t know how to watch a movie thats not going a million miles and hour all the time, but

Frankly speaking, all you wussies crying for power seats that can’t be arsed to move a lever and manually adjust their seat (the horror!) wouldn’t fit in these cars anyway. They are enthusiast cars, not luxury cars. They drive more engaging than the competition, they look better, they have more character. Those are

No, I don’t think Harleys are the fastest thing alive. They aren’t the only engines that make a noise, you stupid shit.

“I would prefer that you die rather than bang”

17 Year old son just got Grandpa’s 2007 Ford 500.

Nothing will ever top Prince.

The CC R line is a great ride for a Fortunate Son who was Born on the Bayou.

So your name is meant to be ironic, then?

Definitely a Prime example

8 grand for that wax banana is straight clown tits.

First Akwafine thought, first time I heard her talk (Crazy Rich Asians) I thought she was doing a Miley Cyrus impersonation so that’s my take on her voice.

True. But at least they bump into each other nose to tail instead of nose to door.

You know what would go a long way to reducing death from cancer? Improving health care access. A huge chunk of time I spent caring for my pediatric oncology patients wasn’t on trying to figure out better and newer ways to treat them, but dealing with insurance bullshit. In a typical week:

Honestly? I just want a Romeroverse zombie game. All four mainline movies included.

“Being a pizza delivery guy is a terrible job.”

About 1930, my grandmother was a traveling salesman (Ladies underwear) in S. Dakota, Neb, and Iowa. One time she stopped to drop a duece out in what she thought was a place with no one around. She didn’t know there was a campground not far away, behind a lot of trees. Just as she was finishing up and putting her

Your grandma sounds like a badass.

He looked like a total badass. The control of his weapon points to adequate training. Glad he’s armed and spraying our highways for justice.

What does the term “luxury” mean to you?

Any car is worth collecting...if you have enough of them. That number, incidentally, is directly related to how common or craptastic the vehicle was.

Just before you get to my house, there’s a guy with a massive house and massive detached garage. He has the Basic Car Guy Standard Array, which is a modern Corvette,