
As someone who was dead center in the target demo at that time, I somehow never saw it and never have. I’m OK keeping it that way

Hot take: the original Space Jam also sucked.  

This sounds like Taken but with a pig.

A place to chuck a lawnmower/bicycles/group sex accoutrements when you need it.

Ford sold me with hybrid.

You have put more thought into this comment than any of the engineers at GM put into the Cavalier. 

Mercedes sold a lot of ML models over the years despite the original truck looking a bit like an Oompa-Loompa from certain angles.

I have never heard anyone say that before

*pearl clutching intensifies*

You must be kevin durant, with a reach that huge.

Thus answering the age-old question...

. . . am I the only one who saw a woman begin to masturbate to The Blacklist?

This is the real selling point for me. The carpet along the bottom of the door.

My computer disagrees.

No, but they’ll still be able to sell you the wrong alternator for your ICE vehicle.

Publicity stunt. The show will suddenly reappear with no explanation five years from now.

“Alas, poor Yorick6969420, I knew him, xHoratiox23897. A fellow of infinite cash, of excellent weaponry. In heists he hath born me on his back a thousands time and oh, how abhorrent a pilot was he. The memories haunt me.

The current one. The kindergarten kid’s block toys with wheels on them era.

In your opinion. The body kit alone is $16,000. But it’s on sale right now for $12,400 if you’re interested in a new one. https://www.gomiata.com/sdmiatitbodc.html