This sounds like Taken but with a pig.
This sounds like Taken but with a pig.
A place to chuck a lawnmower/bicycles/group sex accoutrements when you need it.
Ford sold me with hybrid.
You have put more thought into this comment than any of the engineers at GM put into the Cavalier.
Mercedes sold a lot of ML models over the years despite the original truck looking a bit like an Oompa-Loompa from certain angles.
I have never heard anyone say that before
*pearl clutching intensifies*
You must be kevin durant, with a reach that huge.
No, but they’ll still be able to sell you the wrong alternator for your ICE vehicle.
Publicity stunt. The show will suddenly reappear with no explanation five years from now.
“Alas, poor Yorick6969420, I knew him, xHoratiox23897. A fellow of infinite cash, of excellent weaponry. In heists he hath born me on his back a thousands time and oh, how abhorrent a pilot was he. The memories haunt me.
The current one. The kindergarten kid’s block toys with wheels on them era.
In your opinion. The body kit alone is $16,000. But it’s on sale right now for $12,400 if you’re interested in a new one.
When you see me rolling up in this, you know what’s about to happen. I’m about to open the door, and saunter out in my baggy track suit wearing house shoes. I’m here to watch the local co-eds play some volleyball while I eat a concession stand corn dog.
Missed opportunity for the Ford Active Replaceable Tether System.
Another VW fanboy here, and yeah... It sure seems that the majority of the “no dice” responses so far are from people who have zero business owning a car like this in the first place. Rest assured, there *will* be tinkering required to keep it in good nick — O-rings to replace, grounds to tighten down, etc. They’re…
Cabin and Engine air filters. I swear I’ve had the filters sitting in my trunk for weeks waiting to be installed, but I just kept putting it off. The fact that it’s so easy and quick actually made it easier to put off - “Oh I’ll just change those real quick tomorrow before work”
Veneer Lisp is opening for Mannequin Pussy in my town a few weeks from now.