
I think they're just running out the clock at this point.

While thought of as the last of the classic seasons now, there was at least some chatter among Simpsons fans at the time that the show had slipped. (8 if nothing else is the weakest season since 2). I think Oakley and Weinstein (showrunners of the time) kind of assumed the show would be winding down soon, as they

It's honestly their last interesting album (they tried on No line though).

I was just finished with high school at the time (OLD!), so I remember this summer well. At the time, I remember it being relatively exciting, as it was clear both alt+ rock and gangsta rap were effectively over as cultural tent poles. The "trendmakers", such as the still relevant MTV were effectively scrambling to

Forgetting to lock the door and remembering while standing with your foot caught on train tracks

Which used to be the "I have a weird idea for a recurring character that might not work" dumping ground. (Now it's just weird sketch territory land.

Actually sat and watched all of Month Phython for the first time recently. Aside from the steadily diminishing returns after s2, it was pretty shocking seeing blackface in the early 70's.

Aside from the fact that "yes it was the early 90's" (which no doesn't excuse it but it was a BIG DEAL at the time when the openly gay character on Melrose Place got to kiss a guy on a cheek).

It's fine:

I know this is just "cross site promotional madness"

I saw McCartney for the first time almost 10 years ago now, and I've seen him probably 4-5 times since. Every single concert has been one of the greatest shows I've seen in my life. Even if you're somehow a casual fan and aren't that familiar with this man's body of work, I'm sure there's a song or two that is


He looks INCREDIBLE for 79: I did forget him because I figured he was only in his early 40's 25 years ago

Arguably the only season of True Blood that wasn't complete and utter garbage was 1. (5 was ok too if I had to choose at gunpoint).

With the exception of the now SEVENTY year old mother of Rashida Jones Peggy Lipton, he's aged the best of the original cast.

Dana was arguably one of the objectively worst actors in the original show, as you could watch him pick his teeth with the scenery he chewed in almost everything he was in (even if he did have a kind of goofy loveable charm).

The first 40 minutes were absolutely thrilling and about as close to a perfect episode of the Return as we've gotten so far. 30+ minutes spent in Washington, most of that time spent with classic crew, actual exposition (Amanda seyfried = Bobby and Shelly's daughter but they're not together anymore), genuinely

It's like he doesn't even remember yelling at reporters for "counting crowd sizes accurately" or hiding in the bushes because he was scared witless to do his job on camera.


PB's akward attempt to be wacky with hand puppets was adorable. This show can always nail the true to character microscopically small moments like that.