
It's on the app now ….

This show, quite possibly more than any other show airing on television currently, perfectly balances continuing storyline/ monster of the week episodes and is a strong argument for a 26+ episode season.

I was a bit older/early college so I was experiencing my very first experience of old mannishness circa 99 when I hated literally every "rock" act that were out that year.

I was never a fan of his music, but it's still terrible to see anyone take their own life.

I think so much of what didn't work in this game was immediately fixed by the galaxy's, that I'm wondering if my "worst official major mario release" conclusion remains correct having not played it in ages.

Yeah I mean, I for one don't want to be pedantic. It just seems like if you're going to retcon in a whole new doctor (just because Eccleston turned them down and they didn't want to use Mcghann for some reason), he deserves his spot in the proper lineage.

I still feel like there's more of a mystery to Jane-E than she's letting on at this point. The impossibly 50's style middle America of their names and lifestyle, the fact that being intimate with an apparent stroke patient doesn't bother her at all, her apparent obliviousness to the fact that Dougie was cheating on

I generaly don't have too many problems with the pacing of this show. The weird moments it chooses to obsesses over are almost an experience in themselves, and it's best to let them wash over you.

Well, given her long history of good karma and empathy towards others, I'm sure she must be overflowing with sympathetic responses to her minor inconvenience….

I tried watching the Cushing movies once on YouTube.

I think they officially counted the Tennant hand based regeneration into himself at the end of season 4 just to get to Matt Smith actually dying of old age

One additional aside:

Part of what made him such an inspired pick after Matt Smith is he was nearly a polar opposite in terms of characterization. After Matt Smiths over the top (annoyingly so imo) whimsical eccentricities, Capaldi was sullen at first and toned down the bullshit.

Among Broadchurch regulars, I think Olivia Coleman would have been the better choice (if only for the inevitable multi doctor reunion show pairing her off with Tennant).

House of Cards:

I guess I was just happy to finally be getting a ton of exposition (confirming Mr. C. was behind Ike the Spike, the Vegas business, and the hits on Dougie), my thoughts were not immediately "the Diane Keaton episode".

What the?

Dropped unofficially this year but finally deleted it from the DVR to prevent GOT/Twin Peaks conflicts.

And then to quote the perfect ending to all stories by Michael O'Donahouge

Honestly had no idea who Gus Hall was till this comment.