
It's one of the many ridiculous "comic" elements this season that's taken the show out of something resembling reality into something closer to a cartoon.

After all, Gimple and Kirkman are currently planning their "next 100 episodes".

"Everyone liked the episode an AVclub Is just being contrarian"

Never mind if not for Tiger ex Machina, the "heroes" would have handed 100% of the oceansiders guns over for absolutely no reason other than Rick wanted to do something and is bad at things.

If nothing else, this show would benefit greatly from a showrunner change.


They were able to save the .gif to the Alexandria cloud.

It's just as written his character is completely and utterly ridiculous. It's a textbook example of why comic book logic doesn't translate to real life. I have to think JDM is looking for the nuance, but as written there's not much there.


Haven't seen the episode yet (spoiled myself for what happens next week)

Needless to say:

I'd say the origin story was about 75-80% real, just not with that timeline (there's no way Beth was 10 or so when Mulan was out). Rick may be a sociopath, but he's also got the tiniest little sliver of a soul when it comes to Morty if nothing else.

You'll only get three hours in directors cut form! Which will be released shortly thereafter and get marginally improved reviews but still be a pretentious bore!

It's legitimately amazing just how much music he was able to record and release in 365 days.

Part of the reason this album is so eclectic is it was a merging of at least two completely independent projects he had going on in the back burner the Revolution album "Dream Factory" and an album of nothing but sped up vocal tracks he planned on introducing as a new singer named "Camille". He had just broken up

The Tim Curry miniseries is one of the first things I ever watched where I remember just getting pee pants scared (granted I was 9).

Would be HILARIOUS if that happened and Lange accepted the award in actress who is not Sarandon's honor.

I think in this world 80% of "mommie dearest" could have still happened, as Crawford is still a not entirely sane alcoholic in Feud.

Grindr will get the most free advertising it's ever had…

The only believable way Home Alone 3 starts is with Kevin getting taken by Child Protective Services and going through a series of wacky and sociopathic hijinks in the Chicago area foster care system.