
Finally got up the energy to watch this….

And the field of fucks was tilled to give for the harvest…..and Lo it was barren.

"It's 1937 all over again"

They passed through Richmond va on the journey? (Where Tyreese met his demise). Oh and original leader woman was either a congresswoman or the wife of a congressman.

Oh totally:

Tobacco is a hell of a drug…..

Loved how they tried to humanize him this episode.

The thing is, there's no real easy way to get to either, as the "ocean" parts of Delaware and/or Va beach would be a minimum three to four hour drive in idealized conditions on an interstate going 70-75 most of the way.

Even in a show where the old-town, densely populated treeless city of Alexandria resembles Atlanta suburbs….

And it was the "good" queen who crushed their hearts just to get Emma to remember a thing.

Do they have to replace him?

Or the first season of SNL

"You like squirrels" "I like squirrels" "you like bacon" "I LIKE BACON"

In fairness :

I thought Nazi's liked burning books?

And yet completely coincidentally

More like Falco Trump amirite

Really still wish it was Letterman winning these headlines, but in lieu of that I'm glad the smarter, edgier show in late night is finally beating the audience pandering dumb schtick.

So happy she's continuing to work in major productions outside of Mad Men. I don't know of another actress who's made the transition from adorable five year old to playing opposite Hollywood A-listers.

If Obama had accused Bush of spying on him with no evidence he would have been impeached less than 3 weeks later