
Nope: the real fascists are the fascists who voted for a neo-fascist government in November.

It never fails to amuse me how many plots on this show involve good guys walking right into bad guy plans. I think it's one of the reasons Regina, Zelena, and Rumple are the only interesting characters: only the bad guys are allowed to not be idiots.

"Scott buck" needs to come back to the comments and explain himself

Hahaha that classic charming intellect:
"ok strange man who says he's my father and has a brother for me and I've never seen before. I'll get into your windowless van"

Plenty of people have had shit to overcome in their lives without turning into sociopathic rage monsters who's only purpose is to spew hate all day.

Yeah nope:
First picture pretty much said everything I need to know

Really don't mind believing Don was a genius adman in the context of his storyline: but this is not the best of his "work"

Utterly horrifying news my thoughts/prayers to his family. There's few worse diagnoses to get: my brother in laws father died of ALS

Even though Moffat is a fantastic writer and I'm not super jazzed about Chibnall, I'm more pumped for season 11 than 10. We've seen everything Moffat can do now for better and for worse, and this will be the first "new era" of who since 2010

I think it's kind of like presidential administrations pre- 22nd amendment. There wasn't a rule against staying longer, it's just no one stayed for more than 2 until FDR.

"Scott Buck’s Iron Fist"

If anything it made WR&H so much more interesting villains. They were evil that was institutionalized into society. They were willing to do whatever it took to maintain their grip on power, even if it meant repeatedly making deals with and eventually seducing the Angel crew.

Really the only S7 episode I have any interest in rewatching 14 years later is the Anya episode.

Some nice things about season 7:

Yes sorry (it's been ages but that's an inexcusable mixup)

Also: Baywatch aired one season on NBC and then spread like a syndicated virus to all networks everywhere

With Buffy in particular: the WB hyped it's final episode as a "series finale". It just happened to be the episode where the previously was a small clip of every episode that had aired before and it's main character sacrificed herself to save her sister and by extension the world (a lot).

I actually don't mind S6 at all. I really like the "get your shit together" theme of the season, where almost all of the characters are caught in the ennui of early adulthood, not really knowing what they want to do with their lives. I was recently graduated from college when it aired facing the fact that I for the

Mid 30's so no idea what it sounded like in the context of when it was released.

I'm guessing hers are Fox and FX(x), while NBC would be less willing to have him split time.