
I think, if nothing else, what he's saying is "I got another gig and we got to see how interest and schedules work out before we decide if we wanna do another season of this"

Agree with him about season 7. It was enough plot for maybe 12 episodes and the slayer babies took away focus from what should have been the core.

Must have gotten his sense of humor from his mother.

God this show:

Might as well investigate Tchaikovsky too if you're going to be backwards homophobes.

If just the woman's march was a paid protest, and if everyone involved got a $50 check for 5 hours of work.

I currently live in purple country, where the cities are relatively liberal and cosmopolitan but the exurb/rural lines went completely insane with rage when Barry Bams became president.

I'm not liking the dark, nihilistic turn America has made this season. Granted, the idealistic optimism from the previous 8 year show runner was a little hard to some to reconcile, but the current creative team is making decisions Zack Snyder would dismiss as laughably insane.

He was pointing unsecured camera phones directly at top secret documents using them as flashlights.

It's not like a bunch of middle aged white people were drawn pied piper style in 2009 to put teabags on their head and scream about how Obamacare was communist socialism death panels.

He was on vacation!

The difference is that BvS did a bad job

Maybe this is just ultimate confirmation I'm one of the olds:

Honestly it was about 70% less greasy than you'd ever imagine.

Oh I mean that's more what I was saying. 70 now days isn't really that impressive. 40 years ago though, in an age when 40-50% still smoked, 70 hosting a late night show pretty impressive.

Will never forget him getting shitcanned from what was then "Hannity and Colmes" when Obama won because even a mildly liberal viewpoint was too dangerous for Fox viewers then.

Tobacco is a hell of a drug

Watched the Uncle Milty episode of SNL a few months when I was streaming the first five seasons. I wanted to see if it was worth it's infamous reputation, given the habit Lorne has of disappearing up his own ass and the sloppiness of the fourth season.

What's crazy is he was SEVENTY in 1979 when he was on SNL

In the temperament of his program, not his views. Every episode is the same dogmatic preaching to the choir bullshit, with "jokes" designed to elicit "clapter", where you aren't actually laughing just agreeing with what he says.