
A very mixed bag for me.

Should have worked in a Halt and Catch Fire season 4 plug
(All about the Scooby gang growing the internet from that to the current form)

The problem with Neegan……and really this entire season……is that Neegan is just an utterly ridiculous, laughably stupid character who would have gotten his ass beaten to the ground within a week or two of the zombie apocalypse. Hes the text book example of comic book logic that just comes across as ridiculous and more

I don't think enough people got the historical reference you were making.

In just over a month since winning the election the special snowflakes who supported Trump have boycotted a musical, a breakfast cereal, and a new Star Wars movie.

Coming to this two years late feels almost like a crime.

Side note: will never understand why "who your parents boned" is something to celebrate anyways.

I wish white surpremacists would boycott more things.

Every season around penultimate episode time, the plot of this show necessitates that the good guys become the stupidest versions of themselves.

Making Schneider/Kelley head writers has been a stroke of genius, as even the lesser episodes generally have greater belly laughs than before. Cutting Jost down to just the weekend update has helped that become the best possible version a Che/Jost weekend update can be.

The first two seasons were reliable Saturday morning fluff.

I sometimes thank Jeebus I'm either becoming one of the olds or in a social circle far outside whatever cesspool the alt-right inhabits that I've never heard the word "cuk" in real life conversation.

Yeah that's getting an insta subscription at Gitmo

$35 per month………PER MONTH

Zooropa it took me a long time to fully come around on. It's not even Achtung Baby 2.0, it's a band fully exploring every weird sonic impulse they ever wanted- and the songs are still absolutely killer. The title track with the "jump into the slipstream" mid song breakdown, numbs chant groove, lemon, stay, freaking

One of the original 1987 Vinyl pressings of Prince's black album album/funk bible.

When this story first ran a year ago- about the insane prices this cart was fetching on EBay- I know I wasn't the only one to say "holy crap! I have this!"

Respectfully disagree re: Joshua Tree but I can see why others would feel that way.

I really can't excuse or apologize for everything they've done since 2001(ish), but this album more than any other was a defining one of my early adolescence. As a kid I found much of the Joshua Tree/ Rattle and Hum era U2 quite dull, but was hooked almost instantly from the first guitar riff of Mysterious Ways.

So what's the game plan for the eventual Neegan battle.