
I wonder if they track along with the Swedish version for season 2 (which I ultimately still prefer to the US/Brit remake).

On UPN which was debuting as a station along with Voyager.

I was 6? When this album came out. My only memory at the time of it was my obnoxious teenaged neighbor cranking it on repeat. Needless to say, I was not impressed. I COMPLETELY missed Paul's Boutique at the time and didn't give the Beasties the slightest bit of thought till whacha want.

It's just a way to drag out storytelling as long as possible.

Maybe I just wasn't in the mood to watch a sociopathic asshole psychologically dominate and abuse his constituents tonight but that was 90 minutes worth of torture porn mixed with nothing (again).

It was three months before the first Tax Day tea protests happened under the Obama administration, and it was suddenly ok for people to protest Obama's failure to solve the worst recession since 1929 yet.

Ok cool so no answer then?

How so exactly?

May not be individually racist themselves, but if you voted for Donald Trump you're objectively okay with accommodating it.


It doesn't surprise me grades for this are all over the map. (I for one mostly liked it!). There wasn't anything more than kind of dopey belly laughs, but they mostly connected for me. Credit to Aidy Bryant for keeping a straight (dead) face during the crotch attack.

Well even though this show gets about 12 total viewers. I'm glad the 10 of us who are also AV Club readers still have a place to discuss these final few.

In fairness to Shearer, his two years on SNL were the massive burnout of 79-80 and the hacktastic just trying to get a laugh of the last Ebersol year.

I'm not trying to as the Brits would say "have a go". I liked Gaga's first 1.5 ish albums.

Well I guess it was inevitable

I think they already found a betterman…..

I watched Justified several years after the fact as well. It's interesting seeing the first couple of episodes which were basically procedurals and comparing it with the complicated multi-year plot arc heavy show it became.

That's probably true.

I think in retrospect it'll probably seem better upon rewatch.

It's easy to realize a product running exclusively on a Commodore 64 in 1986 was probably doomed in retrospect (and more of the tech side of mutiny should have been on board with Cameron).