
I just have to admire the utter fearlessness the creators have shown this season, taking its best relationship and exploding it in logical fashion, AND resisting the urge asso many do to force everything back together again because it's television. The fallout from you are not safe was devastating for everyone, and

It like Halt has improved from its first season (but not to the same degree).

This is about the best news one could hope for given the way ratings have progressed.

I apologize for being late to the party on this, but damn this show is amazing, arguably the spiritual successor to Mad Men. Theres few shows that understand the kind of character focused drama HACF can produce.

I went to the sales pitch "interview" for this where I was made to feel like I was being chosen out of a room of 30 for an amazing sales opportunity. (I'm sure the remaining attendees were being given the same schpiel down the hall). There was a Dave Letterman video and everything.

Did the Scully episodes really tank that hard? I can think of no objective measure of quality that would be responsible for the jump in ratings from 00 to around 02

I feel like the US version of Castlevania 3 was such a rip off. It's a shame the NES couldn't figure out a cost-effective work around without crippling the sound

I haven't even cared to finish the show, much less sit through talking dead:

I have a feeling this is going to get a (deserved) F soon.

I kind of love the fact that I'm one of the first ones to comment 10 minutes after this has been posted, as it means the rest of the world is as done with it as I am.

Gambill and Pross got their start on the final season with the original SNL cast and were a part of Seinfeld during the middle most successful years.

I was a bit younger than you, so a child/teen for most of its run, but even then I could tell only teenaged horniness or some sort of Faustian bargain with the devil were the only things keeping this show on the air.

I was just gonna say, I don't think the show necessarily endorses Gerald's behavior. Whether or not people are overly attached to the Internet, his comments were still causing the recipients great pain. All of the scenes of electronic device destruction were shot to resemble actual murder or suicide, as online

I wonder if this show even needs a second season, it's the perfect retribution to the seasons worth of bad Karma Gamby has built. There's certainly a larger sociopolitical point that can be drawn about the wake of violence and destruction sub mediocre white men can leave in their wake when they feel they aren't being

I don't really disagree with you at all. It's almost amazing that reality has never intruded on a man in his mid 40's till now. Plenty of people have had shitty childhoods and used them as motivation to achieve greatness.

There should never be an expectation that a performance will be a success. If Corey was truly serious about becoming a musician, then do it the hard way. Work with people who know what they are doing, play in smaller clubs first, don't accept a Today show invitation when they're only asking you because you stared in

This show still hasn't solved the problem of "what to do about Daisy/Skye/whatever".

If I added "since the 1930's, the last time it was popular and caused a world war" would that make it better?

I don't think you even have to expect political stances or even an expectation of mockery.

If there weren't approximately 35% of all things on their air dedicated to punching downward, Maury would deservedly get a lot more criticism than it does. Besides, it's still never hit the tasteless lows of 90's Springer