
I'm now officially terrified what Gawkerwithoutgawker is going to look like after a few months of Univision ownership.

If anything it's actually more progressive to acknowledge someone can still be a phony piece of shit asshole and be trans.

The ultimate issue with this show is the dichotomy between acknowledging how, for the lack of a better word, "stunning and brave" it is for someone to let out a secret they've been keeping for 65 years, no matter the social consequence or ridicule

Reloads to see if they've gotten around to discussing the new Bon Iver album:

With all due respect to whoever thought this was a good idea:

This show never recovered from the fact that the main character cast as it's lead was a gigantic hole of suck, arguably one of the least charismatic actors I've ever seen.

I'll certainly defend both for my late teen/early 20's impressions if nothing else (if hesitate to say masterpieces).

When was the last time Kevin Smith made a decent movie? Jay and Silent Bob? Were his 90's- early 00's movies incredibly overrated at the time? Has he ever made a legitimately good movie?

To echo everyone else:

Oh god low winter sun- that explains EVERYthing.

"Mom it's just You and ME now!"

This one hurts me personally a bit less than some of the others 2016 has taken, but it's still a monumental loss.

I think the crucial part with Helen is that she kind of pulled her punches in closing arguments, giving a perfunctory summation of what happened rather than hammering Nas on just how unlikely his story was (and the fact that he even admitted he wasn't sure if he killed her).

Odds this guy has heard a faith no more song besides "epic" : 0.0000001%

#old man yells at cloud moment of the day

Futurama spoiled years ago

I think I've never done a faster 180 from a pretty meh first episode.

This idiot chose to walk around in the desert by himself right? As in there was no sort of inescapable tragedy that left him there?

It was better than Trevor Noah's show, but it was never mandatory viewing. I'm not sure there's a way to do a round table discussion and make it humorous and insightful absent a strong personality guiding the whole affair.

If there was anytime to come back from the dead, wouldn't it be when the movie was out celebrating his life? If he came back 35 years after his death would anyone care? Or remember?