
Have not seen this movie, so can't speak to the quality of its soundtrack .

Played and loved almost every game in this series (aside from the gameboy advanced games focusing on Zero and the battle network games). The gameplay absolutely holds up even 30 years later, and I can't think of many videogame soundtracks that ever surpassed MM2. (Seriously heat man's theme!)

Wow as one of the few who watched and liked the Yahoo! Season I'm glad it's being rescued from the purgatory of whatever that site even is anymore (pretty much nothing but a clickbait answers.com link generator- Marrisa Mayer is getting paid ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY SEVEN MILLION DOLLARS to walk away).

I don't know if this show would ever grow the audience beyond what it has now, but I for one still think this is a shame. It's nothing like the Colbert Report, but it had its own low key charms and original perspective.

Episode 7:1

I still am kind of annoyed they couldn't get McGann to just play the John Hurt part. Im sure it was written for Eccleston, but it would be a great Coda to Mcgann's Doctor to show how much the time war had warped the innocent hopefull character of the TV movie into someone willing to genocide his entire race.

At the time 2-D games were getting ignored in favor of the melted Lego blocky 3-D of your Tekkens and virtual fighters. With the benefit of hindsight though, the 2-D games from 1996 are probably the only with long-lasting appeal, while I can't think of a 3-D game from this era id still want to play aside from Mario 64

The one good thing I will say about the TV movie is it gets me excited for more episodes with McGann to come in the future……😖 The actual movie itself is a huge mess of a convoluted storyline and continuity call backs to a show few were continuing to watch 7 years earlier. One of the smartest decisions RTD made 9

Speculation was he would leave before last season but hung around again. I haven't heard anything this year, but it wouldn't surprise me if he was gone given he's been there since 2003.

Outside of Kenan, who's probably employed for life at this point, Taran was the closest thing the show had to a "glue" cast member who could perform in every sketch if needed. Jay P could have been used so much more than he was (someone should probably still play Obama till January).

Yeah I for some reason mistakenly always assume that was the case but wiki'd saw I was wrong hadn't bothered to correct. (Maybe there was some sort of corporate restructuring? I could be completely off base on this point)

For example: the 1996 democratic convention

Ha I guess not best example…

It came with an equally stupid dance that involved nothing more than placing your hands, your hips, and giving it a shake.

If anything 96 marked a split between the critical and commercial side of "alt rock" and the end of the genre's relevance as a commercial powerhouse. The remaining "alt rock" critical successes were quirkier and eventually came to define/return to what was characterized as indi rock, while the Angsty broham commercial

I feel like it's a not uncommon occurrence for those of my 30's ish generation to have seen this movie as a hid and remembered nothing about it aside from it being a horrifying nightmare.

Anyone who can't tell the difference between a character and an actor deserves every bit of mockery they are getting.

"Republicans are variously depicted as being bad people, their values painted as cruel, unfair, and coldhearted"

I think they were kind of stuck when they had to invent a reason for Saffy to still be living with her mother as an adult. Whereas before she had a quiet confidence as a teen (Sawalha was always much older than Saffy), in season 4 she was emotionally stunted and a bit of a lunatic.

It's kind of amazing that a pilot which debuted in 1992 has persisted long enough to have a movie 24 years later (with sporadic seasons appearing in 1993, 1995, 2001, 2003, and 2011). Jennifer Sauders deserves all the kudos in the world, as she's the only name attached to every script.