
I only knew of this show because of AV club reviews……

One of the many people who would do a better job in the anchor chair than its current occupant, and thus probably should be escaping the bland sinking ship of inoffensiveness that is the Trevor Noah daily show.

He briefly ruled the competitive fashion world of hand modeling…..

Never play "Ironic" by Alanis Morisette for Bighead, he might permanently stall out.

So Jamie's about to be a kings layer x2…..

No one else wants to cover this show?

Maybe I'm doomed to never fully get the brilliance of this man.

I saw this movie around age 11 or so? (Hippie art teacher brought it in for film appreciation). I didn't get it at all- I don't remember laughing once and thought it was a rather serious drama about the end of the world

Ha! Not bad amazing

Not only that: Terrance winter had 100+ million dollar budgets and the support of Mark whalberg, Mick Jagger, and Martin Scorcesse.

The 2016 massacre continues….

Part 2 over 3 if nothing else because it had (nearly 20 years old spoilers)

Apparently the Lonely Island wore the exact same clothes as from 2 episodes ago (or it was all filmed in the same day).

"pointlessly frenetic (in that the sequence doesn’t need to be so frenetic, and also doesn’t need to exist at all),"

In that new American art form, the genre of music called rap.

I'd imagine John Mulaney is the type who can make a room full of hilarious comedians regularly break-as in I'm sure that's what an SNL writing room circa 2008 looked like. I was so happy to see the boys made it back from the jumanji bris mitzvah in LA (Kroll Show was my everything).

Was never a fan of the Kid Cudi remix, but was kind of disappointed Weird Al just sang over Reggie's song.

Haven't seen this, but sounds like pretty much the mirror opposite of ex-machina..?

The rate of hit to miss with this show is pretty low, and there are quite a few episodes where I wish they had more time to fully develop the premises,

Oh I don't actually remember the mechanics (much of DOFP was pretty silly). I was just glad TLS was gone.