
They made arguably the most famous plot in X-history the C plot to the movie, only briefly addressed with the Cyclops killing in the first act and then again in the final 20 minutes.

Never will understand why they agreed to immediately confiscate and incinerate all copies of 1984 Ghostbusters the moment the new one is released. That could be the only possible reason so many nerds are whining about their childhoods being ruined right?

Whoever bets on Arya and wins next week gets exiled to Pike. (I would say Dorne but the weather is way nicer)

SPECULATION POST: for Cerci's trial by combat, Margery talks Tommen into defending the honor of the High Sparrow. Tommen gets squished by the Mountain and Margery becomes not just a queen but the queen.

One thing to remember re: Margery's plan, she wasn't planning on her peeps showing up for the shame walk. Play along with the faith militants bull, get the world's stupidest inbred on her side, continue to play to the commoners. I'm sure when she saw Lady Oleanna in the crowd she let loose a few mental

I honestly feel bad for those who are still expecting Adam Sandler to produce "not crap". For someone who NEVER found him funny, I have to ask when was the last time you weren't disappointed? The wedding singer?

I'm not gonna make apologies for the second season (it was if anything worse than you remembered),

I for one wanted to give this show a legitimate chance because despite all its faults, I still enjoy the parent and wanted to see how a WDLA would go.

Literally his first rapped line immediately following the mostly sung "gospel" first song on his new album.

So the only character aside from Strand I haven't wanted to throttle: Nick, gets infected with the stupidity disease affecting the rest of the cast.

It's not just Kim Dickens.

I know that's for sure not true.

"Why is Varys so openly skeptical of Kinerva?"

Almost certainly- Rudnitsky. Did he do anything this season? In the season of white guys from two years ago, evenBrooks Whelan had a few update things.

Regine = The love child of Candace and Nina from Portlandia.

It's funny- there's kind of an expiration date for classic SNL's where the topical references become so dated that a modern audience forgets the context, and the skits/performers have completely worn out their welcome that they're the equivalent of jamming along to "who let the dogs out" in 2016.

I actually prefer his slower build pieces to Seth Meyers "ain't I a stinker" insta punchlines.

If ever there was a single shot that captured what it's like to watch Gotham- it's that guy pulling his cheeks apart above. It's disgusting, kind of ridiculous, and not at all compelling (and I kind of dug last weeks). The problem is, Bruce is just a snot nosed 15 year old kid who mostly has his shit together- I

Henry: I GOTTA destroy magic you wouldn't understand MOMS.

I feel like I need to qualify this instantly or face nerd fires of immolation. I won't say "hate" as it implies stronger feelings than mere indifference.