
For as awesome as the first half of this season was - tying the Disney movie of the week into actual character development and the darkness that's always been hinted at with Emma, this season literally wipes the consequences away from death.

FRINGS BACK (kinda).


On this weeks episode of Walking Dead LA:

If anything the final shot mirrored the end of Lost, resembling a church door opening while all of the cast were bathed in light while reciting pseudo-spiritual bs. I'm sure will be funnier on rewatch with the target of its satire being more apparent. (Really disappointed Cordry couldn't appear- would be nice to tie

The Jewish Suburbs of Sao Paolo Brazil and Glen's computer generated family ironically were 100% real

I love how it involves literally everyone who's even cameod on the show including the CH version of Madonna, all stemming from tech support workers in India.

Another fav of mine: the Run Lola (naturally) Run parody from season 3 where a boy was dying of quicksand (while sitting in a hospital bed). There was Man-n magazine, chief arriving from some sort of virtual world for no reason, and Jon Hamm in a micro cameo shown putting on his Malin Ackerman makeup

This show is this weird mixture of campiness, noir, and grotesque ultra violence. It's like Batman and Robin written and directed by Incompetent Dexter showrunner Scott Buck.

It just kind of says everything when the show's one season long MUSIC plot line is just going to implode in the most cliched melodramatic way possible when the nasty bits break up because they're doing the same girl.


Oh my only point was they pretty much were at least through the end of 1993. They, U2, and Metallica were pretty much the only rock bands who were big in 1987 and still getting regular AirPlay in 1993. The anti-hair metal band sentiment was more just a hatred of the phoniness of so much late-80's Rock, which few

Reminded me a lot of the first season of Mad Men (and it wasn't just the presence of Maggie Sif). A show that is a very slow build of character moments and threads coming together by the end of the season into a satisfying conclusion. I won't say the writing is necessarily that sharp yet, but this cast is incredible.

It was more the turmoil than the Nirvana rise that killed the band. Nirvana broke huge in 1991, and GnR was still pretty huge through the Spaghetti Incident release in late 93 (there were like 10+ videos made from the Use Your Illusion albums).

I just don't get why the zombie outbreak-> end of society story only lasted 6 episodes here. I'll say the cast and storytelling competency of this show is largely better than its parent. It's just were already roughly equal to "Rick wakes up in a hospital".

That 5 foot circle of emptiness pretty much said it all. Credit where do- RC was game, the skits were just terrible.

Incredibly powerful final image of the two victims, who as the show highlights were almost completely forgotten given the drama and theatrics of those who made it to the courtroom.

Is it something in the water at Fox?

Even as a somewhat reluctant fan of this show, I can't imagine many are THAT upset with the departure of Terrance Winter. While not the worst of the post-Sopranos projects (oh hi blue bloods), I don't see how Boardwalk Empire could be thought of as anything less than a mild disappointment at the very least. A much

Whereas this was my favorite new show 2 years ago, it's practically begging to be put out of its mercy. This season has never aimed higher than "pleasant USA sitcom".