
I think the biggest problem with the game is it feels like not much more than a graphical upgrade of Ocarina. The "darkness" never really has much of a consequence gameplay or story wise, and the larger Hyrule just feels like there are a lot of empty spaces.

So five seasons and a sequel conclusion?

My best guess: she's a partner at HHM by the time Breaking bad starts, and she hasn't spoken to Jimmy/Saul in years

I dunno though,

Death by radiation poisoning while treating cancer……

The greatest thing about this show, and that it gets what few shows don't is that there are no "good guys" or "bad guys", just that every one is a little bit of an asshole deep down, who tries to do the right thing but is frequently hamstrung by their own pettiness and insecurities.

Just as a point of reference:

Ha sorry: should have provided the context.

Was really hoping Wendy Crowe would make it more than an episode……as she's great at playing an annoying, somewhat sympathetic pain in the ass

"Rayford Steele"

Also watch the entirety of Justified (it's only 1 year old now) when you get the chance.

In this case, it felt like less because it was 10 episodes spread across 8 weeks ( as ABC was doubling up due to crappy ratings).

Count me as one of the very few (given the ratings) who would prefer a full season of Agent Carter….

Words like "post-queer" comes dangerously close to "sexuality is a choice that people make". Which for some people that's absolutely the case- they're called bi-sexuals! For straights and gays and the outer edges of the Kinsey scale that isn't necessarily the case.

Nothing makes me happier than seeing Bertram cooper on my television having fancy slightly off putting parties again…..

I WISH I quit Dexter the moment Rita died 😖


Haven't decided if I'm gonna sit through another season of this, I'm 95% done though regardless at the end of this season when Beau Willimon leaves. Outside of Claire, who's much more of a plot cipher than a fully developed character, I'm not interested in anyone on this show. It's hard to root against/hate to root

So not to simplify, I can see how this show will be appealing to some, but if this show is gonna be Bobby Cannivale doing ALL THE EMOTIONS at the same time mixed in with Scorcesse's record collection, I think I'm out.

When I was 7, I actually kind of dug the darkness of the first season with every plot revolving around "our mom is dead and we're stuck living with these assholes".