
I ……liked it for the most part, obviously had a killer soundtrack.

I think my growing problem with WD is that the need to increasingly raise the stakes with each zombie attack has lead to ever more ridiculous solutions deus ex-machina solutions and forced the characters to abandon all pretense of intelligence.

Just a few thoughts on the 10:00 1988 rerun. This was a bit before my time (started watching around 91 season), but was actually kind of shocked how dead it was given the cast they were working with. The only laugh was seeing baby versions of Odenkirk and Conan as backstage pages in the first skit. I guess whenever

Man those epic staredowns between Kirk and Spock, scored to atonal Japanese drums, are going to be inTENSE.

Im sure I'm not the first to say this, but the stool skit from the 84-85 season got adopted into an episode from the 7th season of Seinfeld.

Now that Joe Theisman has been banished to Redskins preseason local broadcasts, there's no broadcaster even in his league of dumdum.

It's pretty much the inability of everyone to separate "Cliff Huxtable" from "Bill Cosby" that has allowed the real person to (ALLEGEDLY) get away with raping 50+ women, based on a fictional character's sterling reputation.

Rumor was she was……less than financially secure after Artflop and the Tony Bennett album was a way to grab some cash after.

But she has released a total of one good album in her career followed by two complete embarrassments. Bowie had 27 albums and 25 were at least worthy of a listen.

Oh I agree with both of those as well.

So I guess this is better than Mark Gatiss….

Since we're addressing retro shows:

So gave this a shot last night.

Yeah I guess my issue is I'm labeling all dance music from the mid 1970's as disco, whereas there's probably a more nuanced discussion of the differences. (I for one would say TVC15 is danceable but no where in the vicinity of disco).

Perhaps disco adjacent may be more appropriate - in that it's hard to categorize anything Bowie did in the 70's into just one genre.

If there's an underrated track on that album it's "Stay", quite possibly the most kick-ass disco song ever composed

Bowie is one of those artists where EVERY track could conceivably be considered a deep cut, as he made no more than 3 bad albums in his career (depending on your feelings about the first album), and with the exception of 1983-1987, it was never pandering to get on the charts.

Obviously still check out Heathen, Reality, the Next Day and Blackstar as well (anything Bowie did in the 21st century is excellent- very reminiscent of his late 70's/early 80's work)

There was also a performance by Tin Machine with the early 1990's transitional crew (but by far the least essential for rewatch)

Never knew the man so I can only speak from second hand biopic experience.