
From all accounts, that's just how Bowie operate(d) (fuck that d I refuse to use past tense)

I've just spent the past three days digging into ★, thinking that albums obsession with death and memory was only metaphorical.


IMO it's impossible to review an icon like Bowie making important, interesting work well into his 70's. There's just no precedent of someone continuing to make important, challenging work for a fifth decade (Paul McCartneys "New" released a few years ago was excellent but hardly challenging).

Anything with a 197x -1980 release date and you can't go wrong (although they're great I wouldn't start with diamond dogs, lodger or young Americans).

Let's not pretend there's anything ambiguous by using the word in a modern context.

And they say conservatives don't understand comedy…….

Where there's a will there's always a way (I. E. a 50+ year old Peter Davidson can interact with David Tennant playing his 30 year old self, and the difference can be timey-wymied away).

If anything it could be a hint that post-regen Matt smith would see her again since he'd be 3 eps (albeit many many years on Trenzalore) away from regenerating.

Pretty much entirely on board with all of this (but I liked Season 5).

I think River kind of encapsulates the problems with the Moffat era as a whole, in that each one of those stories is brilliant individually- nearly bursting with ideas. Every episode introduces a new memorable villain or concept that sticks in your brain long after the episode was over. Taken as a whole- they're

Oh I know…..

Even as a Christmas episode it was good but not great. About the level of "the Next Doctor" or "the snowmen", in that it was broadly fun, completely overstuffed as per Moffat usual, and ultimately pretty forgettable. It's hard to really feel that much for River's pending death given that she's been dead for 8 years

Of course!

It's weird how and why Noel disappeared because her Girls parody w/ Tina Fey I thought was spot on.

While certainly not the best of the season, there was a weird mix of pretty good (don't have time to bleed), mediocre (brother 2 brother no where near as funny when Taran is not being objectified by the female cast), and terrible (I had to fast forward through the pirate skit the silence was more uncomfortable than an

I think with McCartneys 70's work-he was happy, wealthier than he ever dreamed possible, and blazed 100% of the time. With rare exception (Band on the Run) a lot of his work with wings sounds like it was written and recorded in two days tops. Generally, I think the term lightweight gets thrown around way too

I'm sure all of those women in prison were just heart broken that Cookie lost her cookout. Pretty freaking awesome that the Pretty much entirely defined by his gayness Jamal Lyon is sleeping with women now.

You're right - I guess my brain was just rejecting a few of the more rational details after trying to process the ending.

Pretty much exactly that.