
I assume Kevin collapsed to the ground of the MASSIVE CHEST WOUND once he found his way home as Simon and Garfunkel commanded.


Haha my only point with the Trial of a Timelord is to say- when a show goes so far off the rails by a showrunner and head writer who had no idea what they were doing, and who's failure is largely responsible for getting the show canceled the first time- it would be SO much easier to just ignore and pretend it never

I think his biggest fault is that he's so focused on the Big, endlessly complex, brilliant narritive ideas in his head that he sometimes forgets to focus on character development and emotional truth.

I'd say it's about a 95% probability Doctor 13 will be a woman or a person of color.

Excellent review as per always, I just have a few late thoughts to add
- I should have known better than to assume Clara is dead (I guess technically she still is). I would assume wibbly wobbly things are gonna start happening while Thelma and Louise go on their hijacked Tardis ride, but I guess that's literally

I think he looked at the scripts, thought they were too B-movie, farmed them out to some film school geek.

Plus, for reasons that can only be explained as trying to sabotage their own work, they never included "Don't Let Me Down" on the original album. I believe……this could be wrong….that the single release on Past Masters was the rooftop concert version, and the LIBN is the only released studio version.

I for one bought love, expecting to be for the first time in my life a little bit disappointed in a cynical cash grab and ended up LOVING it. Some of the mixes are like a Beatles fan wet dream- the Strawberry Fields forever version might (IMO) be superior to the original as its a slower more progressive build to the

For someone who turned 13 in 1993, this may have been less shocking than Amy Winehouse but still hit me like a ton of bricks. STP have never been given their due musically, as they were thought of as "Pearl Jam clone" around the time of plush, but they've actually had more pop hits and variety with their music, even

It's a good point and clearly not important either way (the doctor will continue as long as he avoids cancellation).

I'm not super familiar with regenerations outside of the reboot- but it seemed like it was a partially uncontrollable process (Tennant clearly didn't want to go). Eccleston's doesn't really count as it was primarily to get rid of a disgruntled actor, but Tennants was due to radiation poisoning and Pete Davidson was

Of course I do.

So prior to this episode Matt Smith was the longest serving doctor in his own personal timeline. He had 400 years between the begining and ending of Season 6 and barely aged a day, and yet he died of old age on Trenzalore. It was never fully explained how long he lived in The Time of the Doctor, but it could have

"So we're gonna stretch out the Neegan reveal as absolutely long as possible"

It's kind of amazing just how thin and plotless this season has been when compared w/ S1.

I really never expected, given the mostly awful season 7B and the lack of characterization given Clara, that I would ever get to a point in the Dr Who story that I would morn her death. For someone whose entire characterization in the Matt Smith episodes was "impossible girl, leaf, twinkly twee theme song", she

The numbers aren't great, but it's in a WAY more competitive timeslot right now (NFL + Walking dead + Homeland + Good wife). When it debuted it was getting a True Blood bump and it's only real competition over the summer was reruns and Halt and Catch Fire season 1?

I wasn't expecting much when I saw this was a Mark Gatiss episode, but that was easily the worst since S7-almost shockingly bad

Or blowing his brains out had nothing to do with Kevin…….and Kevins drug-addled mind only thought it did.