
Oh definitely not his fault.

The career of Fred Silverman is absolutely fascinating, as he was responsible for killing off popular yokel comedies at CBS and, rather than getting roasted at the stake by middle America, he replaced them with iconic MTM and Norman Lear shows. He moved to ABC where he was placed in charge of saving Happy Days.

Absolutely no one is implying that one must be perfect to be a Christian.

You may be right, I may be seeing causation where Simmons' firing had nothing to do with the drop in quality this year.

It shocks me that I'd ever be saying this, as I HATED the character during the back half of season 7, but RIP (probably, possibly) Clara. With Matt Smith she was nothing but an Amy substitute, complete with the most annoyingly twee theme song since Rose Tyler. With Peter Capaldi, she's been the perfect balance to

" Really just one new interview offering someone’s alternate perspective or dissenting voice would’ve given this doc a boost."

I guess in some peoples minds "allowing gays/trans to have the same rights as straights" is anti-Christian.

One could easily have awarded the entire back half of Dexter Season 8 an F. The finale deserved a Q or a 💩

I think they wait for the live + DVR #'s now (I would hope so at least).

I feel like the worst episodes of this show are when it takes 80%+ of the episode to do a live action cosplay of whatever Disney movie they're pimping that season. It usually stops the main action dead in its tracks as the main crew follows some arbitrary illogical rules to keep them spinning their wheels.

Haha of course Matts favorite book is Job.

I'll be the first to admit this season is the weakest. For this episode though, Tabby Tibbons, Zach Woods and a remotely connected fantasy football subplot gets at least a B from me.

1. Scientology.

Outside of the first season of Twin Peaks, I'm not a huge fan of most of Lynch's filmography. Lost Higway was just ridiculous, Blue Velvet was uncomfortably unpleasant, and inland empire was barely watchable.

Great point! Competently made by responding to my opinion with "name calling"! The irony of what you are saying probably never once approached your head, but points for having an opinion nonetheless

Absolutely no chance-

It just ended last night.

I will agree with every criticism lobbed at The Kubrick Shining- it's nearly completely devoid of empathy, Shelly Duvall is basically a cartoon the entire movie, the Halloran character serves very little purpose, and Nicholson is quite possibly never sane in the film.

In fairness, dude is 87 years old and the British equivalent of Jon Voight politically (I. E. Very very conservative).

Hear hear.