
It's been a while since I saw s1….

So that's why Patti (alive and dead) is so feces obsessed.

So I'm thinking someone else in the group meets Lucille in about 4 episodes

As per everything John K has produced in the past 25 years:

Did this show get Avclub canceled? (Can't say I blame them if so- it's generating 0 discussion and has already hemorrhaged 65% of its pilot audience)

I think the story behind this turd is probably more interesting than the movie itself.

It would make sense that a couple of guys in their mid 40's would identify more with the middle aged dad than the 10 year olds now.

My one criticism of this season is their mission to shame modern PC society has occasionally resulted in overkill, as if they're so grumpy and angry the needed Reality to have a two minute lecture explicitly stating the message rather than allowing readers to draw their own conclusions.

Are you still honestly expecting a reveal to the mystery of the great departure?

Again, I don't think you have even the slightest clue what this show is trying to say.

Overcoming inexplicable tragedies and the grief that comes along with it.

If there's a single theme of this season, it's the struggle to get back to "okay".

Imagine some sort of event akin to 9/11 happening. Only 3,000+ actually died that day, and yet it was incredibly painful for the entire country despite only affecting 0.00001% of the US population And yet, that event can be rationalized and understood as a bunch of angry extremist retaliating against United States

I get the point of a hate watch, but I don't think you're even understanding what the show is supposed to be.

It's a testament to Amy Brennemans talent as an actress that, even though she's allowed to speak now, her most effective scene was where she was mostly silent in the publishers office. You see the shame of her GR life, the anger she holds at almost getting her daughter killed, the rage at the publishers lack of

I've loved her since I first saw her in reruns of Dallas back when TNN was the Nashville Network. Sue Ellen was arguably just as important to the success of that show as JR, and Linda absolutely nailed everything the show ever asked her to do. Her character arc was by far the most interesting the show ever did, as

The quality roughly corresponds to the changes in showrunners through the seasons.

This show is amazing, in that it's the Office+ 30 Rock+ the Muppet show and somehow it WORKS.

Spoiler alert: he's gay