
Lost was at least 50% devoted to the plot mechanics as much as the character interactions. From the very beginning Lindelof et. Al. SWORE they had a 5ish year plan to tell a slowly unfolding mystery, and the mystery was leading somewhere, and they weren't just making it up as they went along.

I'd say departure census taker is a minimum Gs-12 or 13 position (so depending on her part of the country about 75,000-100,000) per year. She prolly got a hefty chunk of survivors benefits and the MIT students paid over 2 million.

Man that ghost Patti sure is annoying……someone should just wring her neck.

Going into this with the absolute lowest possible expectations……

There's nothing less realistic, in a show about rotting corpses walking around, than depicting Alexandria Virgina as surrounded by large forests and cavernous ravines 😙

I think for an artist with 50+ releases in a nearly 4 decade career, you're never going to even come close to meeting the expectations you've previously set for yourself. Most artists in their 50's recognize this and either retire or make lazy cash ins and go on old fogey tours. With Prince, the overwhelming


It just made 0 sense whatsoever, as she was essentially wearing her Let it Go evening gown in all scenes, regardless if they were running through the forest searching for the snow queen

That opening was the most Lindelof of all Lindelof things of all time. Its maddeningly both brilliant and frustrating that this mostly mythology free show is trying to build a mythology (because Lindelof can't help himself).

I'm actually digging the darker theme of this season. It's MUUUUUCH better than the party city 20 dollar Frozen costumes they insisted every character wear last year.

Oh I'm not even criticizing Hammond for doing Clinton, it's basically iconic and talor made for cameos with the Hillary candidacy.

I'm actually shocked, given the fact he showed up as Clinton last year, that Hammond didn't insist on playing Trump. (Like with all of his impressions Taran Killam is technically competent but probably could stand to dial in down 2 notches)

I only bring the mystery aspect of the show because the show was structured around and unexplained mystery and the obvious Lindelof connection. I'm hardly the first person to have expected the sci-fi aspect of the show to have played a larger role, given its pedigree.

This may be the most obvious choice in the world:

Why would you possibly want another season after last seasons finale?

I for one spent 3/4ths of the season angry at most of the characters, not fully understanding why someone like Laurie would abandon her husband and join something so nihilistic and self-destructive as the Guilty Remnant. I don't think we as viewers can ever fully grasp what it would be like to lose a significant

I think this show in season 1 suffered from the expectations of being a new Lost, whereas it's an (at times incredibly bleakly depressing) examination of widespread grief and how it affects lives.

Homeland is one of the few shows that I've completely given up on. It's one excellent season masked the fact that it's nothing more than a dopey premium television version of 24, with arguably dumber leaps of logic. Even though season 4 is arguably better, the most interesting character is gone and I can't get over

Burgeoning facist movement?

First episode I've given a shot: