
There are ways to watch without torrenting if you hunt….

It's kind of frustrating how Humans toned down the kitsch factor of "Real Humans" in the translation to a more gritty drama, they still made two changes that didn't work for every one that did. I like how this Leo had something to do (Sweedish Leo is almost entirely useless), and I appreciate the streamlining of

If there's a True Detective season 3 (and I still hope there is), episode 1 should involve Pizzolatto forming a writers room and hiring an editor.

It's typical of British shows that run at or about 60 minutes without commercials that are adapted to the U.S. commercial having market. You either have shows like doctor who-that run 42 minutes and are easily stretched out to 60, or you have things cut for time.

It scares me knowing how different I'm going to look in my mid 50's from my late 30's as well.

To draw the similar parallel- a lot of people thought Kilborn would flourish taking over for Tom Snyder.

Jon Stewart asked her to return when he took over but she declined

It's only those who want to tarnish Stewart's legacy that are making a mountain out of a molehill.

People still pay attention to Camille Paglia?

I don't think A Whitney (like Brian Unger) ever appeared on the Jon Stewart Daily Show. Beth Littleford (like Frank DeCaro who also didn't appear) was inherited from the more Hollywood-ish focus of Craig Kilborns show.

I don't think it was preaching to the choir per se as summarizing the main thing he wanted you to take away from his 16 years on the air. After all, there was nothing partisan one side or another.

It was a bit akward when they cut to Kilborn and there was dead silence……..

100% agree with your defense of Paul McCartney. I think far too many have only heard the music he recorded before 1970- which is completely ignoring 45 more years of brilliant music. Something like "let her in" and "silly love songs" gets dismissed as pure pablum when there's and incredibly strong pop foundation to

I'm actually kind of glad NBC dropped all connection to the Office and instead went as broad and CBS as possible.

I'll be genuinely pissed if Turn gets the renewal and this doesn't.

The scene was about Cameron wanting Joe to play her in Combat as the computer AI was boring. I'm pretty sure there was some dialogue about playing actual people through the machine (hence the online gaming idea that became mutiny).


Yeah, I've always been a little surprised "a hole in the world" gets the love that it does, because there are lifetime movie level cheeseball lines throughout.

Joss has always said it was his intention to have Doyle die in the beginning of the first season (he does love killing characters).

The first and last thirds of s6 are largely fantastic.