
For me, I didn't really get into Angel until the third season- as it served as a nice contrast to the gloomy doledrums of the 6th season of Buffy. In contrast to the fourth season, which mostly fell apart around the silliness of the second half, the third season Angel arc pretty much connected all the way through to

The whole "jasmine" arc was a literal last second retcon to account for Charisma Carpenters pregnancy- as Cordelia was supposed to be the actual "big bad" of S4.

For all the superficial attempts at artiness/ripping off David Lynch, this was easily the best episode of the season because I mostly cared what was happening to at least Ray and Frank throughout the episode. There were teeny tiny glimpses of humor throughout the goth gloominess, and for all the schlock value of the

It's always amazing to me that one of the least talented SNL casts (the 91-94 era) has had the most financial success.

Having gone through the early seasons of Cheers for the first time recently, it's a genuine tragedy that this and the Brady Bunch movies are the only major productions Shelly Long ever did after leaving the series.

It's so frustrating that more people haven't caught onto how just quietly great this show is this year. After the grim cliched slog from the hour before on HBO (I'm DVRing humans), H&CF is a breath of fresh air.

It was an objectively dumb move of knowing what the future brings because "focus on community" (aka the Internet) is the wave of the future- and computer gaming on 1985 commodore 64's is about to take a back seat to that console machine from Japan.

Yahoo streaming with the last minute save the day again?

I genuinely like this show and I'm sorry to see it leave/hope it finds a new home.

This exactly.

Cocaine/jolt cola shakes? (Is their any reason to differentiate?)

I'd say b-/c+ range but by far not the worst episode of the season. The cute opening monologue, lesbian cat lady, and the prophet Muhammad skit saved the night from meh and bad. Even the first skit would have just been overwritten and not bad had it not ended in a fart joke.

At least he didn't bail mid-film like Edgar Wright, leaving those poor studio executives unable to offer improvements to their directors movies.

The fact that you heard Rush Limbaugh talking pretty much negates everything that comes after that sentence

Oh for all the support I've given Joan, I'll fully admit she did not take the most diplomatic approach in handling the McCan situation.

As much as I understand the sentiment, I don't really think getting thrown out of a Cosby show for heckling accomplishes more than making BC richer by however much you paid for the ticket.

You wouldn't have a problem with the Hershey pitch when Don had already SOLD the business and then had them walk out the door with his emotional breakdown?

The 70's are a high point of roller rinks.


Oh I mean good points all around.