
Idk if it was all about the money per se…….

She was pissed at Don because he unilaterally ended the Jaguar account, in the process making her sacrifice for naught and inadvertently costing her millions in the process (during the failed public offering).

Plus, even at his darkest moments, he may hate himself and still be traumatized by his upbringing-but we've been no indication that he's depressed. He was more bemused and relieved by the end of his relationship with Megan. Until that meeting started he put on a happy enough face working at Mccan. It wasn't until

Unlike say Breaking Bad, which did well with the year long Hank on the toilet breather, I feel like season 7 of mad men would have worked better as a 14 episode whole. It would have tied the themes together better (Don starting as a ghost writer for Freddie, ending up at Mccan, realizing it's all pretty meaningless.)

C) probably just an asshole

As valued as she was at SC and SCDP, there's pretty much no possible way she gets a partnership the normal way. (Peggy is arguably more valuable, and the only other person ever discussed in partnership terms is Harry effing Crane).

I think I speak for most here, but the feeling is absolutely mutual

I think I'm still into newish music (granted pay for spotify and xm, I am not a normal person), but it's almost exclusively along personal preference genres now.

I guess I've always just been biased because I was 13 in 1993, so I have fonder memories of the early Late Show (and was only old enough to stay up for the tail end of Late Night).

If anything that was more of a favor since "Late Night" canceled Snyder's long running "Tomorrow" show in 1982.

I think this episode was unquestionably objectively weird, and not exactly of the highest quality- but I think condemning it to season 4 hell is a little harsh.

Because the Emmys love rewarding shows of a similar pedigree with arguably the same quality.

I know the power of being the bosses son in law carries a lot of weight, I'm just not sure if Ken was all that impressive in his job interview when he answered "because screw Roger and Pete" to the question "why do you want to work for Dow".

It just sucks that he's gonna get overlooked come emmy time (again) for Bob Odenkirk.

That we know of…….

Sterlings gold sits alone in a box marked "Rogers shit" in an upper east side apartment abandoned by Jane Siegel in 1966

But don met up with midge in 1963 and saw she was heroin addict so in his mind it was over.

There's no one on television who loves finding meaning in dream like surreal sequences like Matthew Weiner aside from maybe David Lynch.


The cruelest was following that up with a seemingly genuine "on some level you know I'm right"