
The WBC is essentially nothing more than a family of lawyers trollin' for a lawsuit and maybe 2 dozen followers.

General impressions: fantastically tense A episode for the first 75 minutes, sloppy wet fart D ending.

I would hope, if nothing else, a few of the inquiring celebrity minds arent scared to watch the film and realize what life is like for those making 50 bucks a week on Seaorg

I'm not sure if anyone has ever considered that attacking the characters of the 30+ people interviewed with this film would maybe……perhaps…..slightly reflect bad on Scientology itself????

There's plenty of homophobic things in L Ron Statements, he considered homosexuality itself curable by Scientology.

All rentals come with billion year contracts

My only exceptions are Beck and Elizabeth Moss, as their both second generation, fantastic at what they do, and have never tried to be walking advertisements for the church.

You can 100% be a full-status member of the Christian church without ever paying a cent.

It starts simply: you're told that Scientology is essentially a form of scientific talk therapy. You're given several tests for determining your weaknesses and then an auditing session provides the method for talking through your problems. Thetans are originally described as a form of negative mental energy that

Still my favorite non-repeating skit was the takedown of the Black Eyed Peas in season 1.

The story in this episode was ridiculous to the point of non-sensical, and I'm not sure I follow how 25 year old Annie remains this militantly naive in her sixth? Year of community college.

Haha I actually was just thinking Dean P was so overwhelmed by the godlike nature of his virtual existence that he was just quoting the bible verse he remembered.

Maybe it's just the old Cheers seasons I've been going through on Netflix, but Shelly Long or more specifically Dianne Chambers would have been great as Britta's mom.

I love Seinfeld as much as the next person who was a teen+ in the 90's,

I don't take the significance of this lightly, as to me Breaking Bad inarguably belongs up with the top 2-3 television shows in history. This was easily on par with anything Breaking Bad put out.

One of the strongest eps of television I've ever seen, and one I would argue deserves the + that will never come on this website. Outside of the six feet under finale, I can't think of a more perfect way a show has ever tied up the lives of its characters. I would even make the argument this exceeded that final

So sorry Kroll show, you're in third place behind Justified and Parks and Rec.

A fair point - I think I was just repeating what Maggie was saying because I didnt want to fully remember the awfulness of Herschels farm

So badger can show back up pretty much every episode as far as I'm concerned. I was in tears when he started signing.

Oh for sure,