
Why did he need her to kill him at all? Why not say your goodbyes at sunrise godric style?

What an utter and complete load of melodramatic shit.


I'll never forgive just dropping "the ponds are getting a divorce" completely out of nowhere as a plot device that was instantly forgotten.

Just watched castrovalva for the first time the other day- it's about 8 hours long and COMPLETE NONSENSE.

He needs someone (RTD fit that role before) who can reign in some of his worst "OOH LOOK HOW COOL I AM TIMEY WIMEY" impulses and focus on telling a coherent story and developing his characters.

Season seven is easily the worst of who reboot. You're not missing much. (Maybe consider the Day of the Doctor, but the name was the culmination of the terrible 7.5 plot line, and Time of the Doctor was a jumbled mess)

The message was "John Nathan Turner and Eric Saward should probably let someone else take the reigns of Doctor who"

I don't think it's ever been made clear if Clara prime has the memories of Oswin and Clara Victorian age. Given the overall terribleness and non-sensical nature of that plot line, (the doctor jumps into his own timeline? And finds her in a room with john hurt?), I'm just going to ignore the name of the doctor ever

I have a few minor quibbles, the author mostly noted above, with the tone and pacing of the first half.

I think I'm finally getting over the slit your wrists nihilism of this show to say I'm reasonably invested in the characters.

"I'm sorry I didn't murder daddy years ago. Instead of just leaving, he would have been dead and you would have had a 10 year old daughter facing juvenile criminal charges. That would have totally stopped you from being a drunk mess all of the time."

I hope, purely for consistencies sake, if Matt groening cares at all (which is doubtful) he takes his name off of this like he did for the critic crossover in 1995 (which now I realize was almost 20 years ago and I feel stupidly old).

The sturm and draang of the over the top melodrama of this show is just emotionally exhausting. It's like misery porn without a plan for plot progress.


I don't know about anyone else, but I can only tolerate this show when it's a violent sexy cartoon. Anytime the show tries to make painfully forced analogies (Eric is dying of vampire AIDS!!) it just becomes painfully stupid and nearly unbearable.

It would have made a HELL of a series finale, but I'm still happy parks will be back for 1 more season.

This is the same writer who gave the best episode of Walking Dead a c+ because he didn't like the pretend darkness of two pretend children killing themselves in a pretend zombie apocolypse.

My god……a professor asked Christian students to consider a point of view outside of what they were raised to believe??????? In college??????????? BURN THE WITCH

The SOOOOOONG birds normally visit me in the afterNEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWOOOOOOOOOON