
Has he gotten a solo skit yet on SNL? I remember his "look at the dumb tatoos skit", but I don't think he's done a thing individually since then.

What's sad is Wayne Knight I think underwent gastric bypass a few years back. In the interviews for the series DVD's, he's at least 50-75 pounds thinner than he currently is.

The Curb reunion was fantastic and the only Seinfeld Reunion that should have ever happened.

Haven't seen it yet but "character development that emphasizes flamboyant storytelling flourishes and feels Insubstantial with no consequences or meaning" is pretty much on Moffats business cards

For as much stupid and sheer wtfery that the first half of the episode was (the storybrook rules change EVERY episode), the last 15 minutes would have made an entirely fulfilling series finale. Regina is finally completely redeemed, everyone in storybrook gets to go home where they belong, and Emma and Henry, the two

Regardless of the fact that everyone on the show is animated, this show has been terrible for years, and Seth McFarland hasn't written an original joke since approximately 2005,

The opening action was tense and well shot. Once it became "Carrie and Brody: worlds greatest doomed lovers" I completely lost interest.

I still largely enjoy this show.


That scene where Usner and Tara share tea and remenisce about lost loved ones for one could probably go.

What's sad about this show, as a fan of prior Wheedon works, is the show has the cadence of Wheedon dialogue on a completely superficial level. I'm sure Skye would be played by Sarah Michelle Gellar if this was made in 1997. It's just coming out of bratty, soulless, morons, who have nothing of interest to say or do

Eternal vigilant, protecting us from the return of a genocidal galactic emporer from before time……

I think it would have been just as funny if it was NPH and his partner. Not because of gay-but just because of mocking Kanye

For as Moffaty as the plot was, and for the questionable need to revisit and change the Time war arc, I largely loved it. Once they got through the Moffaty timey-wimey plot explosion and delved into the meat of the story-the doctor's horrible choice- everything played out beautifully.

The ideal framework for both would be a breakdown like the old show: RTD as executive producer and Moffatt as his head screenwriter.

I think yours is the most common point of view among long-term who fans, especially those familiar with the old show.

The whole idea of restarting who, after a 16 year hiatus (minus one meh tv special), was to completely re-introduce the very concept of the character to an audience who was in college if they were old enough to remember it. RTD was smart enough to recognize that a reboot would have to succeed on it's own right,

The Waters of Mars is exceptional, and the End of Time at least has some value for all of the excellent scenes between Tenant and Wilfred Mott (but yes the plot is terrible)

9 was basically what I think they were trying to do with 6, only with a somewhat competent production team and writers capable of developing a character. (Colin Baker's idea for his outfit was an all black suit-it's criminal that anyone thought "the coat" would make a better impression)