Yep, the Bears could use—
Yep, the Bears could use—
I know, I get it. Trust me I do. I root for human shit, and Rudy Guiliani loves our team. I legitimately have no come back for that, and I don’t expect you to ever come around.
It’s only Thursday and I have already lost my fantasy game this week.
Thursday Night Football is ruining the sport.
referee Shawn Hochuli
I’d like to start a petition.. if the Dolphins go 0-16 then we no longer have to witness the 1972 Dolphins celebrate when the last undefeated team losses... watching them celebrate is insufferable.
Yeah, no. The ump made the call here because Sanchez’s acting made him think it was a foul ball. This is absolutely how it is supposed to work. Sanchez is an idiot for thinking he’d get any calls the rest of that at bat after that bullshit.
I said this in the other thread, but...
My dudes, you have killed Splinter, you laid off a bunch of cool journalists, I have even stuck with you through your auto-play video ads that kill my YouTube video playing in the background, but if you don’t stop these ads that auto-forward my ipad to some “install flash player now!” website with no back button so I…
I like to think Wilson succeeded because he didn’t have to listen to Brian Schottenheimer.
Ooofff, I haven’t seen an awkward white boy so thoroughly ignored since I was in highschool.
Karma will be reached when Dabo's boss next year will be Dan Snyder.
Sounds like a pretty good way to start the week.
Shocking that the owner of a sports team in 2019 with a racial slur for a nickname would do something shitty. To a white guy, I mean.
“If the key works Monday, I’ll keep working.”
This is also what the Raiders did last year - and they got their ass beat to a pulp by the Seahawks. Gruden flew earlier this year specifically to avoid the same thing happening
The Raiders went to London right after their game on Sunday, and had all week to acclimate to the time zone change. The Bears didn’t arrive until Friday night. The Bears looked exhausted during that game, and I have to think that jet lag had a lot to do with it. It’s like none of the Bears coaching staff has ever…
The slowness by which Bills fan bystanders tend to him (not to mention the fact they held onto their beers) is as 1:1 on-brand as it gets.