Looking like a damn unopened Pokémon ball.
Looking like a damn unopened Pokémon ball.
Why do people want to see this? Am I mistaken, or is Lesnar a way worse fighter than Cormier?
LeBron’s value is probably equal to the value of one whole NBA franchise.
If he’s underpaid, Lebron is an indentured servant.
I’m sad that this didn’t happen. This would have been the first Big 3 to have 6 first names, thus making it the most powerful of all Big 3s. Not sure what response the Warriors could have even had to that. Maybe find a way to trade for Kawhi or Carmelo.
But if they had Paul George.....
Baseball is so far and away the best sport
Jesus! Osweiler’s so bad, just getting close to him is ruining other players. It’s like a Rage Virus, but it infects with overall awfulness.
Next you’re going to tell me all those beautiful Instagram women of my dreams aren’t peacefully hiking in Antelope Canyon dressed to the 9s.
Right. I get that he has a viewpoint here and that’s great and all…
I’m actually surprised at how rarely you guys go in on Barstool. I hope you keep at it.
Counterpoint: Fuck everything Bay Area.
This is precisely why I elected *not* to compete in the Rio Olympics.
Report: NFL Expected To Shorten Overtime
Unless there is a lot more than meets the eye, he first got robbed when they charged him for a “suite.”
Clearly his brain has been affected by smoking pot. An NFL lineman talking intelligently about something? He’s definitely on drugs.
Whenever I drive/am driven/ride the train past the art museum, I like to imagine it’s actually the Palace of the King of Philadelphia. Furthermore, when I’m at the museum, I pretend that I am said king, roaming my spacious halls and inspecting my art collection, enjoying the echo of my footsteps.
With any luck, he’ll soon forget which team he played for.
I know everyone has opinions on these people, but generally I’m just overall sad about the layoffs. This is a lot of people flooding the market in an industry that’s not exactly thriving.
(Crosses Fingers) Please can Dickie V. Please can Dickie V. Please can Dickie V. And Coachman.