
The man is throwing children over 16 foot fences into yards and garages? He’s throwing children AT children in sandboxes?

Build the fence higher and make RG3 pay for it!

+4 games

Don't worry. Goodell has already suspended the account.

“I hate America,” Curry said. “We [The Warriors] burn an American flag before every game, it’s a tradition.”

We gonna do this forever....

It’s gone beyond funny; it’s become transcendent. When I come around to checking the baseball scores at night, I always keep an eye out for the Cardinals score just so I’ll know if I have this to look forward to. Deadspin has made baseball great again.

You’re right. It’s fuckin’ hilarious.

Good question. Have you asked it before? Have you been able to get an answer? Keep us posted.

Lest anyone too young to know might think the draft dodger angle is the biggest insult in this tweet, refusing to call him Ali, and instead insisting on calling him Clay was the racist dog whistle of choice back then. Racist whites refused to do so for years after.

Dear Representative Daniel,

“I’m against picketing, but I don’t know how to show it.” - Mitch Hedberg

Trump: What’s San Francisco famous for again? Curry? I love Indian food! I love Indians! I deal with the Indians all the time.

Donald Trump Doesn’t Know Shit About the Bay Area

I believe in economy of words. You’ve got four extra in the headline.

Question: What did Kipnis yell at him when he fell behind the Mustard Guy?

This is correct.

Yeah, LOLMets has never been used on Deadspin.