J innnb

I mean at least respect the business decision. It’s going to bring in billions in revenue.

Isn’t that song praising thriftyness over consumer culture?

What is the difference between maligning race or sex vs an age group?

Selective application of the law is unjust. Time to destroy all playthrough and streamers via dmca takedown. Totally worth it because a guy said a naughty word.

Um impeachment?

People who overcomplicate things to build expertise on topics are losers. I am simple minded and everyone else should be too.

I too like to spend money on nice things then avoid any kind of optimization, mainly because I am lazy and incurious and I prideful of these traits. I often criticize people who put in more effort than me because they are losers who care too much about things.

I got rid of my 1990 spg a few years back, and made it about a month before buying an 1989, which sat in the street for a year. It is such a great car. Current one is completely unmodified, runs great, but needs some cleaning up. Almost no rust. Now it sits in the 20x28 throne room i am nearly finished building for