J innnb

Lol torture my food in that factory over there. Over here I want all these rules so I can pretend to be civilized.

Leave the abuse of animals behind closed doors. Dont make me look a it or think about it. Let’s make it the same for rounding up immigrants for deportation and drug dealers for execution. What other awesome things can we get done when we hide the bad parts? Who’s with me ? Maga djt president for life!

Why what else would we have if we didn’t embrace our backward culture. I’m all for feeding puppies to reptiles if it shows the absurd hypocrisy of our animal abusing culture. You’re an asshole. Lol.

Found the guy who doesn’t matter to game devs.

U forgot Russia has no money for any kind of real military arm flexing

It’s ok. We’ll keep the stable around so you can ride your horse on the weekend

He makes movies with good ideas and consistently executes them with above average compence. Not many film makers in that class. I put Batman at the bottom of his portfolio, but they are still better than 90 to 95% of comic book movies, or general action drama even.

That is the cost you pay for being needlessly provocative. You should know by now if you read this guy.

No thanks.

At least we can all make the world a better place by being anonymous assholes on the internet.

You are wrong on both counts, but the efficiency claim is preposterous. On the net pollution front, for various contrived definitionsof lifecycle pollution you may be correct, but not by any standard measure. Even if one grants your extreme pessimistic analysis favoring ICE over EVs, the trend is clear and unstoppable.

Lol, maybe you should stick to videos of guys getting hit in the nuts. We certainly don’t want critical thinking or extended vocabularies to offend your delicate insecurities.

Lol athiest is usually a just a shortcut, and the most reasonable one, for agnostics, youwould know that if you ever had sincere conversations with them. Perhaps u could focus on one during your next hallucination.

Can’t be anywhere as douchy as speculating about someones character in comment forums

Sterotypes sure are useful!

Rofl that is a terrible example

I know it’s so awful when people disagree on the internet, truly the death of liberalism. God save us all!

Thankfully you defeated the sea hag

He came off better than you You may have started strong and reasonable but floundered in the face of a strong argument. Then you gave up and went full asshole on the comment section of a trashy internet tabloid.

You are currently spending your time commenting on internet tabloids.