
The point was to be able to match anything after they signed bosh. They didn't want him to go to unrestricted free agency because his agent is dan fegan and you never know the kind of offer that guy might get from a team with space - and then in that case, they wouldn't be able to match. They were sure they were going

"Fuck Deadspin" by JFPMFERS

Not to mention, they worked pretty damn hard to make sure everyone knew it was them who broke the manti teo story.

My favorite thing about this is that if ESPN had stolen the credit from some small writer, you would fucking lambast them for doing so. But since Sheridan wants the credit for rightly saying that LeBron would go back to Cleveland, you guys are writing yet another article about the media breaking stories as if you

Could you possibly work on writing a description for your website that might be more correct? Perhaps something that gets rid of the nonsense, much like you did here? You know, something that removes the phrase "sports news" because this isnt


It must be nice to be a fan of another team and have such a convenient, completely nonsense point to always bring up when someone so much as mentions the team name. No way this joke is getting old or something

omg someone on deadspin hates everyone in boston? no fucking way i never would have guess that holy shit what a fucking surprise


Yeah fair point, I was more saying - if the guy has thrown 60 pitches through two innings, i'm worried as a manager (obv)

But WHY? why take a first pitch fastball down the middle?!?!?! WHY?!!

This is just a horribly sad story. Dodgers fans, existing. just tragic.

I laughed really hard at this but then I also cried a bit on the inside because :(

Yeah, that's a good point. If a pitcher is getting those outs, even if the count goes up, he tends to stay in. The interesting thing is - if the pitch count is high, he's almost assuredly doing poorly - in which case he would be taken out.

As a Red Sox fan, it's fucking infuriating to watch them take the first pitch fastball down the middle every single god damn time. I'll never understand how starting 0-1 is advantageous, but they apparently think so. I will say this - I think the strategy is more about driving up the pitch count of the starter, thus

Just wait til they claim that the men's tournament sexually assaulted the woman's tournament

A women's only race series would clearly indicate how STRONG and INDEPENDENT the women are. It would be a TRUE BOON TO FEMINISM to see women TAKE OVER RACING and turn all races into FEMALE ONLY events, as that would be real EQUALITY. An all male race is just a wink to the old boys clubs, because as we all know - women

Seriously? You're bitching that attractive people are on cameras now? At what point does the whole Gawker network just go ahead and admit that you all think it's creepy for men to have sexual thoughts about women?

You'll have to go back to playing golf exclusively with happy gilmore if it gets much worse.

Gawker Network Corporate Mission: To find anything where women and men are treated differently for any reason, and declare sexism.