If he had payed the higher one-way direct flight fare, would he have been on the same flight at the same time, to the same destination?
If he had payed the higher one-way direct flight fare, would he have been on the same flight at the same time, to the same destination?
An empty seat is a ticket unsold to the money minds who make air travel tick.
Millenials, some of which are now 40, only hold 4.8% of all wealth.
No blinkers? Blinkers are for the others on the roads. I don’t turn on the blinker to tell myself that I’m turning. Are they taking out the brake lights, too?
I used to do this job, and if you think we're inspecting the avocados and only using the best, ripest ones I have some bad news for you...
To be fair, if you’re eating at a Chipotle, you’re not actually worried about eating shitty food.
“To say Disney food is beloved is an understatement. People attach memories to it, covet it, drain their bank accounts on it. From popcorn buckets to humble tater tots, those of us who love Disney love Disney’s food even more.”
The false reports were submitted by about one quarter of the 1,301 troopers who wrote tickets in the time period
I can’t believe you cited a 10.5 year old article about has-been celebs charging appearance fees (back in 2012) to try to make that first point.
This seems like it crosses a little with the fears during Halloween, while the candy may look brightly colored and such, it also has a hefty price making it more likely you will protect your stash from kids/not mix them up.
Proton Pump Inhibitors are fascinating.
This is such a non-issue.
Here’s the math:
I don’t understand. Do not comprehend at all. Of all the things why.
I used to use this, then I found Sprayway and never turned back.
Good. You guys go figure it all out before asking me to buy an EV.
The media including Jalopnik wouldn’t have been able to flog this story for most of the week if out of the gate it was announced that the occupants were assumed to be dead and it was going to be a recovery mission, not a rescue one.
Use his Pedo Sub
Meanwhile the Greek coast guard let a migrant ship sink, killing hundreds of souls.
Damnit, I was really hoping Elon Musk would go down after them in a home made ironman suit.