
Capitalism requires that when a shortage of anything occurs, the price must rise until the shortage ends.   Labor is a thing.

Too many miles for too many dollars.  Kilgore trout is right.

Walker thinks a pronoun is a noun that has lost its amateur status.

I needed tires for winter driving and I needed 14 inch tires.  It was snowing and the only ones in the local shop that day that would fit my car were Chinese black lion tires.  The compound is so hard the tires slide when I drive on any surface.  They skid on a shadow.  

The header on comments is “Start the discussion”  I think not.

My dad had an OG Borgward.  The Isabella TS.  He wanted a german car in the worst way.  He wound up with the worst “german” car instead.  Four speed on the column.  Reverse was; push the gearstick towards the column, pull it toward you and push it up.  Mom couldn’t get it and whacked the front wall of the garage an

Lobster and King Crab are both gone.  They migrated to deeper and colder waters where the lobster pots and crab pots don’t go.  They’re bugs anyway.

Hell no.  Seven grand for non cutting lawnmower. Nuts.

lissen up car makers,  Charge a lot less, sell a lot more.  You’re welcome.

any fir tree is less trouble than any Spruce.  spruces drop needles the instant you cut them.  They stab little kids trying to hang an ornament and they want nothing to do with a tree that bites.  The only upside of spruces is that cats usually wont climb and destroy them.

Rocky Rococo is the name of a character on the 70's comedy album Firesign Theater.  Buncha Yale’s finest doing comedy sketches on vinyl.  Only the very old might remember.

Regenerative braking is very popular. Porsche should re-think this.

This is the correct take.

it is for a City car.  Provided you have a garage and a charge point.  For suburban areas, longer range will make is more appealing.  Personally, a plug in hybrid seems a more workable choice for a larger demographic.

Nice, but that range tho.

You replace the washer when it quits.  No matter what month it is.  I don’t know anyone who can say “I’ll just use the spare washer until the optimum sale lands on my head”.


10 grand is all the money

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This is the problem with our world right now.  There is NO PUNISHMENT for this kind of thievery.  Steal a billion, pay a half billion dollar fine and go do it again the very next day.  This is why we are fooked.  How do you correct this type of criminality?