
At least he dressed up for the occasion.

Schilling looks like the truck driver at the counter in some diner in the middle of nowhere ready to tell you how the world REALLY works, which they aren’t gonna teach you in some fancy college.

“Schilling starts out by proclaiming that it’s totally normal for adults to remark on the physical appearance of their friends’ kids”

It really doesn’t seem to be contained.

I think what OP was saying - and I have to agree based on my current experiences here in Portland with the ‘arty’ types - is that a good percentage of the twatsticks running around calling themselves photographers are nothing close to their aspirations. They went out and bought xx camera with a fat student loan

*eyeroll* Sounds like your roommate’s girlfriend’s friend’s are a bunch of muppets. Most photographers using Hasselblad outside of fashion (an industry made up of clueless muppets but it’s ok because they only need to work for each other) are doing so in studios where technical control over color reproduction,
