
I have loved rose for years! I discovered a French rose first, it was great and the thing I liked was the versatility it had. You could drink it with cheese, with quiche, with picnics and with steaks. I used to chill it to take on picnics and it was great chilled, or not so chilled, or even at room temperature. People

To say nothing of the fact that church shootings have happened.

I like their universe better than the one I’m in.

I am green with envy! I did learn basic butchering in the end, but I did it the hard way with a book in one hand and a knife in the other, standing in front of a quarter of beef that was hanging on a hook. It was quite a learning curve, but then getting into a self-sufficient lifestyle tends to be (elderly hippie

When my son was a little guy, he had a few medical issues and a lot of visits to doctors, hospital etc. I decided that when he had a really rough time with a medical session, I would buy him a Matchbox car.

Well I am a white woman, and I like good-looking or well-built or cute. And if you are an open-minded gal, you realise cute is not confined to your own cultural, racial demographic. It’s a short step from that to realise that heck, Dev Patel is mega-cute! And since I got it then all of humanity is like a garden of

Good for you, for understanding the mechanism and for saving yourself. Shame you wouldn’t have been able to rescue the housepets!

Excellent humblebrag!

Yes indeed! Trying to harm its own citizens is not generally what is expected in democratic countries, but Somalia is not celebrated for the purity and niceness of its politicians. I don’t assume that people from those parts would be very used to the whole idea of “public health”.

We’ll take them in Australia with open arms and a brass band. The beautiful island state where I was raised had .6 of a neurologist (flying) last time I heard.

You couldn’t make that up, could you?

I don’t regard what they did as non-violent, for sure.The criminals can’t say, “But nobody was hurt” in mitigation, because it was no thanks to them that there were no casualties.

Ohh well done Kansas shooter! he managed to shoot a pair of Indian (from India) guys because he was seriously DUMB and couldn’t discriminate between Middle Eastern and South Asian?

I see a lot of Asians “dressed up as white people” actually, here in Australia. I thought it was a free country!

I am English, live in Australia, and I am so happy to hear you say this!

Basically, he INHERITED a lot of money, welched on a lot of debts, and hasn’t lost the lot yet.

I actually handled a gold bar at a shareholders meeting yesterday. It weighed about 13kg ( a kg is 2.2 lbs), dense as anything. I would have wanted it in a bag to abscond with it though!

Imagine a protest- a bunch of peaceful demonstrators with flags, flowers, and a noble cause.

I had a copper 7 in early 1980, after getting the willies about being on the pill. Yes, it did make my periods heavier and more painful, but the REALLY bad bit is that I got pregnant. The doctor scoffed: I went back a fortnight later for a test and she did a test, agreed it was positive and said she would remove the

I’m English: I dislike the forced cheeriness thing, and I despise the ”have a nice day” that comes through gritted teeth. One day in a Kmart a member of the management team tried to on me. I replied, with great British chill, “Thank you, I have other plans”. Poor soul looked quite confused.