And is Korean barbecue in the US racist?
And is Korean barbecue in the US racist?
Agreed. And what the heck does ketchup have to do with tomatoes? I understand tomatoes are a ketchup ingredient, but otherwise, they have no similarity.
A tip should be 20% more or less. If I’m eating $6 meal in a diner, I would tip at least 50% assuming typical service. I would probably stay between 15% and 20% right on up into the hundreds. Assuming I decided a hundred dollar drink was appropriate, I’m in “less” territory.
That’s a little like saying a large fries has more sodium than a small fries. It appears that sodium is roughly proportional to calories, and most likely, weight.
Doesn’t seem to be a problem. Probably for safety reasons, the only window fans now available are cheap 1 amp plastic things. In the unlikely event you burn out the fan, you are out $20. They are designed to run in windows for weeks on end. A slightly heavy load in your workroom occasionally is not a problem.
I think the author is confusing people by referring to changing the wall dimmer as “changing the wiring.” Changing a dimmer is cheap and easy. If, indeed, he meant actually changing the wiring, he fell sadly short of an explanation.
How is telling a basketball player to “shut up and dribble” even remotely racist; whether the expression has been used before or not. There is enough racism going around that we don’t have to invent it. The Reverend King would laugh out loud.
At some point maybe someone can explain what racism among police, perhaps excluding black cops, has to do with respecting the national anthem or the pledge. I’m not crazy about Pope Francis; maybe I’ll refuse to say the Lord’s Prayer.
This is an excellent analysis of a car leaving a cliff exactly perpendicular to the force of gravity. What you have done is prove that this is not the cliff the Prius driver was talking about. What you need to do now is calculate the angles down the driver might have been at the moment he left the cliff compared to…
If this guy was allowed in, I would make sure he wasn’t allowed in after this article. What journalistic standard was he adhering to here?
If this guy was allowed in, I would make sure he wasn’t allowed in after this article. What journalistic standard was he adhering to here?
Well, that might have been an overreaction.
It’s not a work-around any more than cooking at different temperatures is a work-around. If you are going to have more than one kind of flour around, I would start with all-purpose and bread flour. Pastry flour would come in a distant fourth, after rye.
Let’s revisit this in March 2018. Got the guts to do it?
Very nice. I would go even further and use much small speakers with a hidden subwoofer.
I agree. I got rid of my watch about 30 years ago, well before I started carrying around a cell phone. Every appliance I owned had a clock on it. I never once missed that watch, and I’m a lawyer. I moved to a new house, rekeyed the back door so it matched the front; I’m down to three keys, one for the house and one…
This is pretty pointless. I assume that downstate Illinois and Indiana, and upstate New York, for instance, have their own separate factors. Unless this were broken down by county or zipcode, there is no reason to pay any attention.
I think the next Lifehacker will be about dealing with you.