
Nope, Kip has it correct. Its called the “white man overbite” coined by Billy Crystal in When Harry Met Sally...

Have you WATCHED Simon Pegg movies? With the shit he writes for himself & the situations he puts himself in...I honestly believe he’d have ZERO trouble playing a gay character...

Sick Burn, Veg Head! Nice attempt to detract from having no original argument by playing the English Teacher, Instead...

Damn. This one made me Ugly Cry.

Totally believe this. I used to work for a company that handled concierge requests for super high level credit cards. Mostly rich Doctors & Lawyers, but a nice dash of celebs to keep it entertaining. Celebs themselves were mostly very chill (except ppl like daytime talk show hosts & lower eschelon people who wanted

Right? ‘Cause Canada suddenly sets the price of light, sweet crude!

Right? From Lame Duck to Gives No Fucks - I ❤️ this iteration so hard & my PM is Trudeau!

I’ve been waiting since 7 for them to fix everything they loused up in AUTOCORRECT. Maybe if they could show me they understand how basics like ’ work, I’ll be more impressed by the shiny stuff.

Same thing...I put the crock pot back on with some warm water & dish soap for an hour or so & then it’s easy to clean anything...all the gunk softens & slides off.

“We need to head on up to Michigan, round ‘em up & put ‘em in camps like we did with those Japanese Bastards in the 40's.”

Noooo. I’m stunned you even gave her the courtesy of a civil reply. Maybe the initial beef between her & your hubby wasn’t about you —- but that TEXT? Are you kidding me? I married a difficult man. It ended - badly, a short few years later. But while we were together? We were a unit & faced the world together.


I’m fat & I feel this way. But then, I also think some fat jokes are funny... it completely depends on the spirit things are intended, the level of friend (maybe Gabby & Molly or Jimmy are friends?), a bunch of factors as to whether I’ll find something funny. Just because a fat person is the butt of the joke, it

I’m kinda happy to only have to hear about him 2nd hand now. Evidently I said enough unkind things about the Orange Baby Fingered One that he BLOCKED ME on Twitter.

Wrong. It is neither recent nor is how you come correct to the oatmeal bowl! How do I know? 46 years as the child of Scottish Parents & although my late, great mother didn’t cook a lot of things terrifically, she made THE BEST Oatmeal ever.

I haven’t read the story yet, but I’m dying over the headline ‘cause my sister - who I’m kinda pissed off atright now - literally left Canada yesterday for the States on vacation & her name is Elizabeth!

Ben is on in the Med version! Uh, y’know...maybe, i think, it’s cool...

Well they allowed (encouraged?) their CHILD to marry that skeeved out, not expecting she’s gonna win parent o’ the year!

Shapiro & Integrity?

Other than rampant overspending on helping Syrian Refugees, The Environment & other good social programs that make sense? Which we’ll eventually have to figure out how to pay for?