
Good. And I don’t believe for a second that hospital workers ‘gave’ this to an employee of a multi-zillion dollar company out of the goodness of their hearts. Let’s air ESPN’s private dirty laundry in a public court of law.

The people who race to every Deadspin article to post a shitty joke that relates should be waterboarded.

Good, that was my first thought when I saw the tweets, that and damn JPP’s hand is fucked up.

Prosecutor: “Now Mr. Pierre-Paul, is the man who tweeted your medical records in the courtroom today?”

Thank you. Michelle is absolutely #2.

Don’t get me wrong I think she is hot also but I am bias towards the brunets

this show is pure ass... if it is following comics, then the comics are also pure ass. I had to hate-watch a third episode just to say I watched the three episode requirement on giving a show a shot. Just horrendous.

sorry, gotta go Michelle Pfeiffer a #2

British guy with powers helps attractive cop solve murders while she tries to figure him out... - Sleepy Hollow..

Color me surprised that this show has not gotten the axe from Fox yet. I assumed 2-3 episodes and that’s it.

I’m still waiting for Supergirl to do good acting and plots

are there any petitions to get Supergirl off the air? That show is freakin horrendous.

I love the poster featuring Lex Luthor!
(Only if the big X across his image means that this dandified take on the character is being cut from the film.)

Ok, seriously folks, the costume is fine, or would you prefer:

As long as Samus never takes off her helmet and ever talks, maybe Rousey could be mediocre at the role. If he actually has to speak, Rousey would be an awful choice

Ronda just needs to stop.

BvS Alfred looks exactly like what I think Gordon should look like.

Even more than a mother role. She is the only person on the show that can overrule Rick. She is the one who said they were going to Alexandria and she is the one who knocked him on his ass when he needed it. She panicked when he was fighting alone.

yeah, that was refreshing, especially because she seemed to be having a bad day on the Inside The Actor’s Studio a few cast members (including her) did. She was much happier last night for sure.

despite the utter lack of set-up for their new relationship