
actually they are


Honest question - did you guys all sit around and schedule out who would write the same fucking post about Deadpool each day for two weeks? Is there a contest as to who can say the exact same things in the most creative way?

I read some of those posts and there was nothing fake about that outrage.

or more likely - it’s a very small group of people who had a problem with this and nothing more. I can literally find a handful of people anywhere at any given time to create what narrative I want. This one was “white people are outraged about Beyonce!!! See, here’s a few social media posts!!!” Not accurate at all,

/looks at article


shhhhh... there are clicks to be got!!!

Ronda Rousey, Professional Victim LLC - at it again

so you’re saying nowhere near as many people are “outraged” or even give a shit about this as some media entities (ahem ahem) would like you to believe? I’m just shocked I tell you. Shocked.

oh yay. Another “reboot”

haha I’m cool with that!

Kirk Cousins’s transformation from bad quarterback to “Hold on, Kirk Cousins might actually be kind of good?”

one thing I’ve learned over time - if Drew Magary thinks it sucks, it’s probably pretty good.

Greasy literally pulls the “Don’t worry, I’m not gonna kill ya…” (whips up gun) “…except maybe I am!” (slowly lowers gun) “Nah, totally kidding…” (whips up gun again) “Except I am totally not!”


this show is so awful

how many ass beatings has that dog had to get it to do that?


ok Jerry