
Re: Woody Allen, here’s a question for you: We often talk about separating the artist from the art so as to preserve the impact of art that might otherwise be spoiled by the awfulness of the artist, but with Allen, his movies are so often about a nihilism born out of realizing awful, immoral behaviour can and does go

And you gotta stand in line and then wait another 10 minutes for your shit even if all you ordered was a plain-ass coffee.

Artisanal coffee is bullshit, but cheap coffee is ass. There’s a bell curve, with the top being good stuff you buy in a grocery store. Rule of thumb: if you’re paying more than a dollar an ounce, you’re buying bullshit; but if you’re paying less than $5 a pound, you’re buying ass.

Tangent: Let’s not neglect Les “Trump’s Awful for the Country / Great for Ratings” Moonves, who also wants a spot on that podium.

Jeff Zucker is as personally responsible for Trump’s ascension as anybody in the country. That fucking asshole gave this megalomaniac over a billion dollars in free coverage and was giddy about it. Now he stands there and gets berated by the same piece of shit he helped create.

Yes, we have a First Amendment. But all publications must ultimately bend to financial pressures, and most publications are owned by large companies concerned with the bottom line,

For the journalists at CNN—everywhere, really, but especially at CNN—now is an appropriate time to become very

Worse still, it’s an Access Hollywood bus.


Yeah, but Natives actually want the team name to go to. When teams are named after Natives, nonNative fans inevitably dress up in redface and wear headdresses. Name Cleveland a whole new name, or go back to the goddamn Spiders. But the Indian name does not honor and dignify us. No Native mascots or names do.

You’re upset because someone is being insensitive? Please tell me that you see the irony in that.

you’ll fucking love Chicago.

Pam Poovey? *sploosh*

God hates Cleveland, but He hates the Cubs more.


I always get them mixed up, which one was married to Lamar Odom?

This feels silly to type, but what impresses me most about Marshawn stories is they all seem to illustrate a man who is tremendously present. He doesn’t seem to be somewhere else when people interact with him. He doesn’t have alternate plans. He doesn’t decline the invite. The focus and mindset he demonstrated as a

“...I get to carry those memories with me. Hopefully. LOL”