Jezebel's Horseshit Vol. 2 (Unbannable)

But like so many people she doesn’t have a clue about women’s soccer. This will never be a revenue sport because there just isn’t any fan interest for many reasons. The talent is very thin and the local top boys 16-17 year old club teams can beat them.  In truth very few female sports generate interest. Tennis does

That’s because your religious adherence to the tenets of radical leftism offer you nothing of value when shit gets real.  

You may want to learn what Capitalism is before you try using the word in a sentence again. 

I’m sure all of the out of work housekeepers and waitresses who can't put food on their tables during this shutdown appreciate the tone def take of a privileged blogger.

Why are you blogging about this? Think of people's hair for god sake!


I don’t think Jezebel has ever had a coherent progressive editorial preference. 

Bernie was lucky it was a virtual chat. Otherwise she probably would have hit him with a chair for dropping out of the race.

...except that she loves Bernie with all her heart and for Jezebel, that’s enough.

Black & obese

Qualifications: obese & black.

I like Stacey Abrams, but she’s less experienced than Mayor Pete or Beto who were both mocked by many for presuming they were ready to be President, what makes Abrams any more qualified than they were? 

Um no. Whoever is going to be Biden’s VP has to be ready to be president on any given day. I adore Abrams but she is woefully underqualified. Yes the optics will be great but we need substance too. And if we have too choose we should choose the substance in Amy Klobuchar. Luckily there are plenty more names being

“Schlafly incorrectly asserts will force girls into the draft”

The group-think here is that Stacey Abrams needs to be on the ticket to earn the progressive vote. However, if Biden were to choose her, the Jezebel writers, among others, will whine that they don’t like the “tone” Biden used when he picked her; they will insist that the choice was tainted because tokenism; they will

Oh didn’t you know that the twenty something pseudo Marxists are here to educate us on how Biden is three same as Trump?

You know what’s less exciting than Biden? Four more years of Trump. Scratch that, another Trump term is downright terrifying.

These articles are going to look pretty fucking stupid and petty when Roe v. Wade is overturned. 

It’s deja vu all over again. I didn’t like Hillary/Biden but I don’t want Trump/Trump choosing Supreme Court Justices. We can generally undo the damage done by a president but Supreme Court Justices can fuck things up for a generation.

While I do think that there is a valid discussion to be had on the subject, I also do there is validity in their explanation. If it was the right choice or not is difficult to determine objectively, but it is good to point such decisions.