Jezebel = biggest losers on Earth

There’s not and anyone that thinks there is is ridiculous. The thing is, I am not sure baiting these ridiculous people is helping anything or anyone apart from the people saying it getting more attention. I think as liberals we need to think about what our ultimate goals are and the best way to achieve them. Is it

Except for everything you just said is predicated on the idea that such a thing as white genocide exists at all.

Or you just made an incredibly charitable interpretation of his (likely deliberately) vague statement. The guy said something douchey, idiotic, and deliberately inflammatory for reasons that have nothing to do with white supremacist tropes, and is now crying that he received a negative response.

Doesn’t matter because he didn’t come even close to communicating that successfully in his tweet. Whatever he might have meant, all he succeeding in doing was expressing a desire for a genocide of white people. But please, keep going with the chemtrail false equivalence, it was working so well.

You mean that successfully handling a topic like genocide might require a bit more nuance (and context) than a snappy one-liner?

And if he wants to write his own Modest Proposal, it might be effective satire. Nothing about the tweet got that across. It just said that he wanted a genocide.

Handing racists reasons to be racist is a bad thing. Racists now have objective proof that liberals want white genocide, which then validates the racists violent actions. All they have to do is display his tweet, it “speaks for itself”. Also, which State Farm ad advocated white genocide?

You’re assuming a lot about his beliefs. The Hatian Genocide was a tragedy. Killing children and forcing women to enter into arranged marriages or be killed (...rape, in other words) is never something that should be considered acceptable.

To the right wing, any college professor is a liberal intellectual. Also, the right wing lacks the desire or nuance to “get” what Ciccariello was try to accomplish. So, all Ciccariello accomplished was to confirm to the right wing that liberal intellectuals are supporting and fomenting white genocide. 

Including the kids? Or is there a proper leftist term of the offspring of whites?

Fuck everyone involved in this story, including Ciccarelio. You’re not making some profound satirical statement about racism. You’re provoking trolls with dipshittery to draw attention to yourself.

I’m super curious. How would you describe the systematic murder of the white population of Haiti? A surprise party?

Who do they think is at fault for this “white genocide?”

Idiot posts something idiotic, other idiots react to it idiotically. Got it.

Apparently we’re supposed to be outraged that people are outraged that a guy said something that, outside of some fairly specific context, is fairly outrage-inducing?

This is why people hate liberal intellectuals. I say this as a liberal intellectual.

Dude makes pro-genocide statement on twitter. Dude is surprised that this provoked a negative response? I think we typically want a negative response to statements like that. And whatever stupid shit Breitbart probably said, the Twitter responses were not a “horde of racist trolls”. In a couple minutes of

I feel like the response to his statements was a pretty predictable outcome.