Jezebel is consistently fucking stupid

Only idiots like you give a shit.

And yet Jezebel still has like only two black writers!

Holy shit, you are one stupid dumbfuck.

She picked a Jew? No way! How rare.

BB guns are not “fake guns”, they are dangerous weapons that can AND DO kill people.

Maybe black males should stop committing such a gigantically disproportionate amount of violent crimes, then.

BB guns are not “toys”, they can and do kill people.

BB guns are REAL guns that can and do kill people.

BB guns are not toys, they are dangerous weapons that can and do kill people (and animals) and “open carry” does not make brandishing by anyone legal, and this moron was a teenager which means he can’t open carry in the first place. Sorry to ruin your “narrative”.

BB guns are deadly weapons, idiot:

BB guns are not “toys”, they can and do kill people, dumbass.


BB guns aren’t toys, and they can actually kill:

BB guns can and do kill people

BB guns are not toys and they can and do kill people.

BB guns ARE lethal!

BB guns are not toys and they can and do kill people.