
So you’re mad and unsatisfied that a woman with money and fame...uses her money and fame to help with something you’re mad about?

How many millions of dollars have you donated?

Is it just me or are folks on kinja having an especially difficult time with reading comprehension today?

From the article:

I’m about to head to the Governor’s mansion in a minute. My daughter sent me a text today, “Mom, I love you. I’m so scared.”

She means the cops.

She means that fear is not an excuse for cops and vigilantes to kill Black people.

I have now flagged and dismissed this person for using a racial slur.

Finding the right workplace is just like finding a mate. You’d think that it was in the professional sphere it would be more business-like and therefore easier, but, no. I think it’s just as important to find the right fit.

I saw a bumper sticker recently that said, “Republicans for Voldemort”. I consider that to be spectacular minimalist literature.

You forgot that women who masturbate instead of having sex with men will be infertile...uh, wait...

Conway said rape is a “four-letter word,” and Republicans simply need to stop talking about it in their races for office.

As much I hate to admit it. She has some points. Feminism has caused women to be unhappy because we’re actively ignoring some of the fundamental differences between men and women. Now before you beer guzzling, gas pumping, plant eating lesbians jump down my throat-hear me out!

You’re supposed to bat your eyelashes until the guys do your work for you.

“If women want to be taken seriously in the workforce, looking feminine is a good place to start.”

Bless her heart.

I agree. While I’m sure this move was a satisfying one for her, it likely wasn’t a prudent one. I left a truly toxic workplace this past February, run by three of the most mean-spirited and manipulative women I have ever met. They bullied and harassed anyone who wasn’t one of their favorites and soured relationships

You realize, I hope, that she’s just trying to promote her book?

me too....

You’re purposely being obtuse. Of course they’ve seen white people before, but they aren’t what they normally see. I’m a white girl living in India and people take pictures of/with me all the time. It’s not because they’ve never sleep white people before, it’s because they aren’t USED to seeing white people.